An Urgent Missive

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tw: descriptions of violence, threat, mentions of death, language


Rain awoke to the smell of fire downstairs. Techno was up, that much was clear. He must've just got back from the Hound Army's kennel. Getting out of her hammock and stretching her still-asleep muscles, she started to wake up properly. She threw on some simple clothes and flipped through one of Techno's mythology books while she started the day. She scrubbed her teeth with a toothbrush while her eyes scanned the words on the pages before her.
Theseus was thrown from a cliff by Lycomedes over the fear he would be dethroned...

As she finished brushing her teeth and spat the paste into a bucket she replaced in her inventory, she heard a rhythmic tapping on one of the windows. Turning her head, she noticed a crow gripping a letter tied with twine. The bird was tapping the glass like its life depended on it.
Rain could tell this one was urgent.
Opening the window, the crow fluttered in, landing on her shoulder and passing her the note. The crow preened its feathers while Rain unravelled the twine to unfold the message. Her face grew pale to the very lips as she scanned the written words before her.

Techno, Rain,
They have the compass. They came into my house and ransacked the place looking for a way to get to you. I tried to stop them, but they found the compass anyway. I'm under house arrest so I can't come help you both, they put a stupid ankle monitor on my leg that alerts them if I leave.
Quackity, Tubbo, Fundy and Ranboo left early this morning to the Nether portal, my guess is that they're coming to the cabin. This letter is to warn you.
You need to get ready, they're armed.

They found us...

"Techno!" Rain shouted, startling the crow from her shoulder. "Sorry, and thank you." She whispered as it fluttered to the windowsill. With a nod, it swept away in a rush of black feathers, banking right and swerving to the Nether portal's direction. She made her way over to the ladder, her brother appeared at the foot of it. Concern written in his reddish eyes.
"What is it?" He asked. Rain held up the note in one hand, and instantly his eyes seemed to grasp what was going on.
"This just in. It's from Phil." She stated, throwing it down at him.

Techno caught the note out of the air and started reading it, skimming his eyes over the words. He seemed to freeze as he finished, glancing back up at Rain with worry painted on his features.
"How long do we have?" He asked. She shrugged, despite hiding her own apprehension as best she could.
"Crows are faster than people, I'd guess a few hours, tops." She stated. Techno glanced around the room he was standing in for a few moments before turning his head back up to his sister.
"Get your armour and your stuff and get down here, we need to get ready."

She nodded and whisked away, quickly turning to the spot under her hammock where she stored her ender chest. She took out her armour from the bottomless chest, along with her sword, tipped arrows and golden apples. Finally, she drew out an enchanted bow, glowing purple and covered in netherite lacquer to make it stronger. She stood for a few moments and sorted out her equipment, strapping her armour on and tying her hair up. She also put her cloak on. She fit the sheathe of her sword on to her belt, the bow going over her shoulder. She fished around in another chest to pull out a quiver, loading the tipped arrows and slinging that over her shoulder as well.

She slid down the ladder, seeing her brother also wearing his netherite armour and in the frantic state of rushing around to brew potions. She could see the glow of strength and regeneration in the brewing stands, the awkward potions diffusing pink and red as they burned with blaze powder. They gave off wisps of smoke like incense, only stopping once they were brewed completely. Rain began helping him stock potions in a chest, as well as taking a few for herself, just in case. Techno suddenly whipped around to her, gripping two vials of a blood-red potion. Rain was confused, she didn't recognise this potion.
What was it?

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