For The Revolution

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tw: swearing, descriptions of violence

Techno whisked around Pogtopia like a blur, his red cape furling out behind him as he speed-walked. He crossed the rope bridges and the ravine floor as he made his way to the meeting room.
Wilbur said this would be the last one, hopefully. The last proper meeting before they take back Manburg. Technoblade had been ready for this for days, pacing around the ravine until he wore grooves into the floor. He was impatient, to say the least.

After all. It is his sister's canon lives on the line.

Techno opened the door, finding everyone already assembled inside. Swinging the door shut behind him, he took his place standing at the outskirts of the group.
"Techno, are you the last one?" Wilbur questioned. Techno quickly did a headcount, glancing around at each of the people around the table. He gave the man a firm nod.
"Yeah. I am." He said.

Wilbur turned back to the map, twirling a red sharpie between his fingers.
"I'll repeat this one more time." He spoke coolly. Wilbur drew a dotted line from Pogtopia to a circular place on the map, circling it.

"We need to get geared up, then push along the railway bridge until we get here." Wilbur said, his fingers tracing the lines.
"What's there?" Techno asked politely.

Wilbur glanced up at him, his chocolate-coloured eyes heavy from sleep deprivation. "The Tower." He said.
"The Tower is a unique point because of how tall it is. No doubt Dream and Schlatt will be holding it as a vantage point for bows and arrows."

Techno nodded as he listened, taking in the information.
"We'll need to push up the Tower and push them out, then we can use the height there to drive them back." Wilbur continued, drawing arrows pointing to the rest of 'L'MANBERG'.
"Tommy." Wilbur turned to the blonde boy, who raised an eyebrow.

"Yes?" He asked.
"Tell Techno what happens after that." Wilbur said, a smirk on his lips. Tommy nodded, turning to the taller man.
"Me and you will peel off from the initial assault to find where they're keeping Rain and Tubbo." Tommy explained.

Techno was about to smile when he paused.
"Wait- Tubbo? What happened to Tubbo?" He asked. Tommy sighed.
"He's not Schlatt's Vice anymore. He wasn't at the speech this morning when I went to spy. They've probably got him locked away somewhere."

Techno sighed, turning back to the man heading the table.
"So what happens when we find them?" He asked. Wilbur looked back to the map, tracing the paper until he stopped at a small rectangle with a label written in ink on.
"Meet us at the Camarvan. From there, we need to find Schlatt and kill him." Wilbur's voice dropped low suddenly. Techno smiled, rolling his eyes.

"Ah, yes. Premeditated murder, my favourite." He mused sarcastically. Wilbur shook his head, smiling.
"Once he's dead, we can take the land back." He finished.

"Let's do this!" Quackity cheered. The rest of Pogtopia followed suit, fist pumping the air. Techno smiled, whisking out of the room quickly and closing the door as the meeting dispersed.

There was something he needed to do, first.


As Tommy began to follow the others, he felt a hand clasp over his shoulder. Turning around, he was met with the shadowed eyes of his brother.
"Wil? What's up, man?" He asked. Wilbur looked down at him through a narrowed stare.

"We need to talk."

The two of them remained in the room, Wilbur turning the locking pin on the door for privacy. Tommy watched as he shoved his hands in his pockets, then spun around towards him.
"I trust you more than the rest of Pogtopia, so I'm only gonna tell you this." He said.

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