Respite From Endless Wars

14 1 1

tw: descriptions of violence, injury, death, implications of trauma/torture
(A/N: Most of this chapter is diary entries from Techno)


Tuesday - 17th November - 2020 - 10:23pm

We've found a cabin up North. Currently, we're in the middle of moving in. Rain's doing ok, the voices are quiet while she's here thankfully. She's a bit shaken after the "Torture Week" she's been calling it, plus a few scars. Otherwise she's doing well. I've been thinking of setting up some trade with a few villages I located nearby. We need supplies, badly, we won't last long with the stuff we've got right now. Rain's been helping me organise and work stuff out at home while I've been doing the external stuff. She doesn't feel ready to do anything heavy-duty yet, especially not combat. I'll see how she fares as we go.
She's calling me now, I have to go.

Wednesday - 18th November - 2020 - 7:35pm

We've fully moved in, all our stuff is now in here. I spent this morning building a stable for Carl, Gods know he deserves a rest after how long he carried the pair of us. I also established the trade I mentioned in my last entry, both villages are cooperating well. We only have a couple emeralds to spare but I'm sure I can get some more stuff from the mines to trade for more. Rain mentioned maybe setting up a farm, y'know, in order to get some food. I have been ploughing the fields but it's a bit difficult given the climate up North. I'll work something out, I'm sure. My sister also said she saw a ruined portal over the ridge near the house, thought about getting some obsidian and repairing it so we can loot the Nether. Also had the thought of possibly going to L'manberg to loot the wreckage. That's still up in the air though.
One of Phil's crows just landed, got to go.

Wednesday - 18th November - 2020 - 8:12pm

Phil finally sent us a reply to the crow we sent the other day. He's glad we're alive. I'm not entirely happy to hear that L'manberg is being rebuilt and the government there still exists. They had killed the withers after we left, though the crater's apparently massive. Really don't know where they're gonna get the dirt to fill it in. Phil's wing apparently is healing slowly, he won't be flying for ages yet but he is on the mend. That's good to hear. He also mentioned nobody knows where we went, though he had guessed right when he mentioned 'Up North'. I'll probably set up a lodestone and send him a compass so he can visit at some point.
Rain dropped something upstairs, bye.

Thursday - 19th November - 2020 - 10:13pm

I fixed the portal that Rain saw and went back to check on my old underwater Vault near Pogtopia. It's in ruins. Someone's raided it for the supplies and blew the rest up. There's ash all over the blackstone, I can tell what's missing. I also checked on my old cow farm - gone. There's absolutely no cows left, the only thing I found was leather and blood. Disappointing trip, though I did score some serious loot from the Nether on my way back. I have enough stuff to make potions, now. Plus a crap ton of gold. Rain's doing better, she's been tending some of the fields while I've been gone and she found a way to make potatoes and carrots grow! We're gonna have food for days! She's still not comfortable starting combat training yet, but she says she's thinking about it. Progress, progress. I'm gonna start a bee and turtle farm at some point, along with some more livestock like cows and chickens.
We'll see how we go from here.

Friday - 20th November - 2020 - 7:30am

One of Phil's crows arrived early this morning, giving us another update on what's happening. L'manberg apparently is back up, they filled in the crater with water (How??). Phil's been granted a home there for him to chill while his wing's healing, which is also making good progress. Apparently Niki came around last night to take the bandages off and the feathers have started sprouting back. Phil's wings are like a migratory bird so he should be in good shape in a few days or so. In the last letter I sent, I mentioned the lodestone idea and the possibility of him coming to visit. He replied with, and I quote, "That's good, mate. Just give the crow the compass whenever you want and I'll make my way over." I will give it to a crow in a few days, hopefully give his wing chance to heal a bit more. Rain's enthusiastic about seeing him again, she keeps giving me things to write to him whenever his crows arrive. She's currently laying in her hammock next to the window while I'm writing, think she's having a lazy day today.
Better get to work, got a lot to do today.

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