The Lonely Cabin

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tw: descriptions of violence, mentions of trauma, language, manipulation, death, suicide


Rain sat at the window, staring out at the snow drifting lazily from the grey clouds above.
Today was a sad day.
Her brother was gone.
She was lonely at the cabin, now. She looked back down at the book she was staring at.

Her brother's diary.
Though it was personally his, she felt a weird need to see what he had been scribbling down over the past month. He'd never kept a diary before, though she did know he liked to stay organised. She was on one of the last entries, her fingers fidgeting with one of the pages. Suddenly, something caught her eye in the entry, something about the note left with them when they were orphaned.

He also mentioned one more thing to me privately before he left. We spoke outside just as he was going. He mentioned the note had been damaged when he picked it up, the bottom part of it missing. The final message stated that Rain and I have bits of mob DNA. The fact I have pig or piglin in me is obvious, I literally have hooves. Phil stated that Rain's DNA is unknown to even him, the note was torn around where the information would have been. It made me curious as to what she could be, given that she doesn't have hooves like me and only shares a few of my physical traits.
I'm sure I'll find out one day.

Mob DNA? She was so confused. But it did explain why Techno had hooves.
So I have mob DNA too...but it's not pig or piglin.
So what is it?

Rain heard a tapping at her window, looking up to see one of Phil's crows knocking on the glass. Honestly, she was still surprised that his crows could even see glass. She had expected there to be way more incidents of a crow trying to fly straight in and being met with solid air.
She pulled open the window, helping it inside so it could hand her the letter. The crow nestled itself on the desk while she unraveled the parchment and set it on the desk.

Hope you're ok. I know the letter I sent you and Techno this morning was a bit out of the blue. I managed to slip out of the ankle monitor to try come help but it was too late. I saw Techno being dragged away while I was camping in one of the trees. I flew up North. Yes. Flew. I can fly again, yay. I flew back before I got caught though, I'm back under house arrest. If I can, I'll fly up later to come see you, I'll send another letter with what happens when they bring Techno back here. There's some kind of contraption set up, I'm assuming that'll have something to do with it.
We'll meet up again soon. Be safe.

She put the letter down, thinking over the information for a moment.
So...Phil can fly again.
He escaped his ankle monitor.
And there's some kind of contraption set up at L'manberg for Techno.

She turned to the crow, which was now standing up to attention. She quickly realised it must be waiting for her to write a reply. She took out a piece of parchment and took up the quill her brother had used for so long. She scribbled down her reply, being brief with her words and waiting a few minutes to let the ink dry. She wrapped it up and tied it with a piece of purple ribbon, just so he knew it was from her. She handed the crow the letter.
"Make sure this gets to Phil quick, ok?" She stated. The crow gave her a quick nod before flapping out of the window, banking right and disappearing over the ridge to the Nether portal. The snow had stopped. At least it might make the crow's journey easier.

She turned back to the diary, pages still upturned for inspection. Rain thought more on what she had discovered, believing her mob DNA was something she would have to work out for herself. Phil certainly didn't have the answers, and neither did her brother. to work it out?
She was stumped.

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