Miss Me?

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Andrea walked into the halls of Beacon Hills High School feeling nothing but anxiety

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Andrea walked into the halls of Beacon Hills High School feeling nothing but anxiety. She had no idea why her parents thought it was a good idea to send her like, "hey you just got off a 16 hour flight from France and its 7am so we are going to send you to school, your sister is already there and has no idea that you're back so it'll be a nice surprise reunion."

She wanted to die.

It's not even the jet lag because at this point is would be 1pm in France so she was awake, but the 16 hour flight that included 2 connections was messing her up. Plus, you know, going from living in France with her grandpa for over a year to being thrown into the American public high school system the second she walked into the doors of her house was overwhelming. She barely even got to see her room as her mother rushed her to get changed.

Her mom had brought her to school and showed her to the main office, but given that they had already enrolled her days prior, she left as soon as the women as the front desk got her signature on a few papers. Andrea had been waiting in the office for 20 minutes after that, then the principle talked to her about her schooling in France and how it transferred to Beacon Hills High School, and then she was given a tour by the vice principal.

When she was able to catch her breath as the vice principal left her to her own company, the bell rang and suddenly a hoard of hormonal bodies flowed into the hall as second period had ended. In attempt to avoid panicking she looked eagerly for her sister, whose class was just down the hall from her locker where she currently was standing.

She managed to spot the curled brunette and immediately followed her direction, and when her sister opened her locker Andrea just stood a few feet away from her, taking in her appearance.

Allison managed to somehow get even prettier in the year they had been apart, though they skyped - no camera would prepare Andrea for seeing her in person, it's like she glowed. As she watched her older sister take books out of her locker, the anxiety she felt suddenly lifted causing her to take the final steps back into her sister's world.

"Excuse me, but could you help me find Mr. Harrison's classroom? I am totally lost," were the first things the blue eyed Argent said to her sister.

Allison didn't look at her at first has she was closing her bag, "Yeah no problem, I'm actually heading there no-," she stopped like a deer in headlights when the older Argent met her younger sister's gaze, but after it registered in her mind the shocked expression turned into a smile that lit up her whole face, "OH MY GOD ANDI! I can't believe it, you're actually here!"

Yes, Andrea went by Andi, and considering her grandfather hated that, it was nice to hear someone call her by the nickname.

As she chuckled into her older sister's embrace, Andi couldn't help but feel at home in her arms, the hardest part about moving away was leaving Allison. Since they moved all the time growing up, and because Allison was in the same grade as her younger sister, they were each other's best friends.

"Missed me that much Ally?" Andi lightly questioned as her sister's grip was cutting off her air flow.

As Allison pulled about from the hug she was very frantic in her motions, observing her little sister as she had grown a few inches, her normally pale skin seemingly radiant from the sun in France.

"When did you get here?! How long are you staying?," the brunette questioned as she played with Andi's hair, "When did you change your hair, last time we skyped I could have sworn you had lilac in it."

Andi laughed at Allison's expressions, her face changing with each new question, "Well I landed like 4 hours ago - mom and dad practically shoved me out of the house to here - we haven't actually talked about how much time I'd spend here, and my hair was a compromise with grandpa and mom. If I was going to keep bleaching my hair, the lilac highlights had to go for the funeral, so I quickly covered those with black before we came here since grampa "does not approve of non-natural colors."

"You had colors in your hair like the entire time you were in France, why does it matter now?" Allison questioned, but Andi just shrugged has she decided it was a battle she didn't want to fight with Gerard, " Also you have to tell me about France, and boys who hearts you broke? Also what was it like living with a practical stranger, with Gerard?"

Andi was lucky enough that Gerard had offered to let her move to France with him, given that he was practically a stranger to Allison and her at the time, but the past year has been...intense or to better say, interesting.

"Boys we can talk about later, I don't want to be late for my first class," Andi closed her sister's locker, trying to avoid the topic of their grandfather.

"Okay come on," both girls headed towards chemistry, Allison trying to pry her sister open for a glimpse into how France could change her, "So you came here with Gerard right? He's going to be there later, isn't he?"

"Mhmm," was all Andi could muster as she hugged her books in her arms.

"So what is he like? Anything I should know before hand?"

Andi stopped right before they entered the classroom, sighing as she turned on her heel to face her sister.

"Just make sure you stay on his good side."

On that note Andi walked into the classroom, leaving her older sister slightly perplexed by her ominous response and an eavesdropping Scott McCall worried.


hi, hope you like it so far!

PSA Hanna Marin/Ashley Benson is not my inspo for Andi, but her hair in the photo is what I picture it looks like!

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