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"What is it? Did something else happen?" Allison asked as Scott kept on questioning about her grandfather and sister.

Scott took a deep breath as he looked into the girl's eyes, "You're sister, she knows, if not about us - about me, about your family."

The older Argent was taken back as she looked at the ground, "something did happen," she whispered, recalling the behavior of her family before she left, "so is she a hunter? What happened? She wouldn't even look at me when they all got home."

The werewolf didn't have the heart to tell her what happened in the woods, what her grandfather did, "I..I think so, but something seemed off. She was terrified and it didn't seem like she wanted to hurt me."

Allison's head snapped at his words, "She hurt you? What did she do, are you okay?"

"No, no, she just told me to run. Get out of the woods. She pretended she didn't even see me when your dad came looking for her."

Both teenagers sat down on a rock to look out over the town, silence creating comfort as the cold night was only battled by their body heat. Allison took Scott's hand and broke their silence with almost pleading words, "I don't want her to be like them, she's been through some things that should've broken her Scott, that almost did break her... she deserves better than our family's business."

Scott sighed, "I'm not so sure she has a choice anymore."


Andi didn't go to school the next day, she barely spoke to her mom when she came in to bring her breakfast, didn't acknowledge the pill bottle Victoria left on the nightstand nor the time Allison peaked into her room before she left for school. She finally changed from the clothes she wore in the woods into a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt to go downstairs as she heard her dad talking about a new possible werewolf.

Isaac Lahey. He was the same age as Andi and his dad was found murdered. Isaac was taken out of this morning's lacrosse practice for questioning, he was recently brought to the police station as a suspect once the sheriff learned that Isaac's dad was hitting him.

"Someone should go check out the house, see if there's any physical proof of abuse or Isaac being a newborn werewolf," Chris Argent spoke to the group of men in front of him.

There was a wave of whispers that followed as everyone discussed who it should be. The risk of getting caught at a potential crime scene and possibly missing out at hunting the new werewolf was not appealing to the small group.

"I'll do it," Andi spoke up from the door frame. No one had really noticed her so her voice made the room go quiet as all eyes landed on the petite girl.

Her father's blue eyes were washed over with a look of remorse after finally seeing his daughter out of her room, her voice being a sad song in his ears, "Andi we can handle this, you don't have to."

Chris Argent was so angry at his father last night, he had been angry at him ever since he and Victoria had found out the man had brought their youngest daughter into the supernatural world, despite the conditions they placed when they agreed to let her stay with him.

Andi showed no emotion, "I know I don't have to, but seeing as I'm the only person volunteering you don't have many options," she shot at the grown men in the room before looking back at her father, "besides I won't get caught and on the slim chance I do, I have a better chance at getting away with it."

She grabbed her dagger and a stun gun off the table, "Just text me the address," and with no further words she left the basement, the only noise being the sound of her black boots on the wooden stairs.

The Lahey house wasn't too far for Andi so in attempt to clear her mind and get familiar with Beacon Hills she decided to walk. Once she got to the house she wasted no time picking the back door lock, not wanting to be seen around the front of the house.

It was a sight to be seen. She had to push the loose strands of her messy bun out of her face to see all of the glass around the kitchen, broken pieces crunching under her foot as she walked through the scene. Besides the kitchen - which she depicted to be the arena for the fight that the neighbor had heard the night before - the rest of the house seemed normal.

Isaac's room had navy blue walls, it was a little smaller than her own room, and she was surprised by the twin bed in the corner of the room. She had only seen Isaac once in class the day before, but he was tall, too tall to still be comfortable sleeping in a twin bed every night. He had his own small library, filled with books like Fahrenheit 451, the Lord of the Rings Trilogy, the Catcher in the Rye, a few history books on World War II, and even the first three Harry Potter books.

Yes she found some..explicit... magazines within his desk drawer, but the rest of his room seemed minimal, the only posters being ones of sports icons and a national park. He had a few photos framed, mainly when he was younger, and they either had a women - who she figured was his mom - or another older boy who wore a military uniform.

Andi's heart dropped once she reached the basement. When she saw the white freezer with a chained lock on top she didn't want to open it, but she knew she had to.

The claw-like marks radiated fear, sadness, and pain.

She practically ran out of the house as she tried to understand how someone could do that to another human being, to their own son, their own blood.

But as the tear left her eye she knew, she knew how some have no remorse, how blood is not as thick as it seems.

Andi knew that she was going to turn out a lot worse than Isaac when her family found out her secret.

She'll be wishing that they locked her in a freezer.

Then again, dead people can't make wishes.


Allison has been listening to her father and Gerard from behind the wall near his office. There was damning evidence that Isaac was a werewolf and Gerard was not taking any prisoners in his war.

"You need to go," Andi deadplanted to her sister.

Allison jumped at her sudden presence, "W-what? Andi what's happening, I haven't seen you all day are you okay?"

The blue eyed Argent rolled her eyes at her sister's words, "you know what's happening, you need to go and tell Scott or whoever to get Isaac out of the station. They're going to kill him."

"But the code, don't they need solid evidence-"

"Did Scott not tell you?" Andi questioned in reference to last night's events, but Allison was oblivious to what really happened, "he is not playing by the rules Allison, the code is only if convenient, okay? This is war and Gerard is not taking any prisoners. They'll send someone to the station, so you need to go and get Isaac out."

"But why can't you? I mean aren't you a hunter, why can't you say something."

"Because I can't risk my position by getting caught trying to let someone who grandpa considers 'the enemy' out of jail," she started to push Allison towards the front door, "go, I put your bow and arrows in your car, figure out something."

Allison stood shocked at the person in front of her before getting in her car. The girl she just saw was both considerable close to the person Andi was before the incident while also being something entirely new at once, making the older Argent realize that she had no idea who Andrea Argent was at this point.

Hola, if you've made it this far thank you, the chapters get better the more you read, some of the later ones I have written I get excited reading when I'm editing so hold on. (8/14/21)

Solitude.Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora