Hunter on Ice

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Andi searched through the halls of the school in a hurry, looking for two familiar brunettes, though she heard them before she saw them.

"Shut up," Scott's voice echoed as she approached the two.

Stiles continued with their lover's bit, "No, seriously. Do you wanna just try making out for a sec? Just to see how it feels."

"As much as I hate to ruin your romantic moment," Andi spoke as she was in range, causing both boys to fill with shock at her sudden appearance, "we have a problem that needs attending."

"Nice to see you're acknowledging us," Stiles shot out sarcastically, earning a glare from Andi and Scott.

"You know about Boyd?" Scott questioned while ignoring his best friend's remarks.

Andi nodded, "I've been giving him rides to school the past few days, but he texted me that he didn't need one this morning, then when I went to trig and he wasn't there I knew something was up...though Erica wasn't much help."

She had asked Erica if Derek had his eye on a new beta and whether or not the bite had been given yet, but she only laughed as Andi grew impatient at her vague responses.

"I tried Erica too," the werewolf revealed, but Andi saw his encounter with Erica in the halls as she was with Allison, "I'm heading to the ice rink now."

"Great I'll drive, it'll be faster," she turned on her heal and lead the two out of the school, Stiles going his own way as he left for Boyd's house - which Andi sent him the address of.

The car ride between the younger Argent and the werewolf was not what one could call comfortable, both not knowing how to interact with the other without Allison around.

"So I uh- I never got to thank you for not telling your dad or Gerard about finding me in the woods a few weeks ago," Scott broke the silence.

Andi bit her lip not knowing how to respond, "no worries, you haven't done anything wrong."

Another silence fell over the two teenagers as they got closer to the rink, Scott continuing to glance at his girlfriend's sister in attempt to understand her, but her face only showed determination, though he could sense her worry.

"You're not like them," he stated.

Andi scoffed, "I'm not like Gerard, I'm still a hunter, I just follow the code."

"Like your dad?" Scott questioned, Andi only nodding in response.

When you looked at Andi in the state she was now, the emotions she displayed - or better didn't show - when dealing with the supernatural, her behavior and even appearance mirrored her father, but from what Scott could see when Gerard was around or when she was at the rink talking to Stiles, that's where she differed.

"No, I don't think you are. You're fighting for something else, even though you may think you're keeping with traditions and code, your still fighting a different cause," his confidence high enough in his thoughts to share them.

Andi didn't answer though, she only pulled into the parking lot of the ice rink, parking as she and Scott got out. As she went around to the trunk, it revealed her own crossbow, daggers, finger knives, and other gadgets.

"You may want to go in first," she suggested as she strapped on her thigh holster, "better not to gang up on him, and I doubt we have much time before anyone else shows up."

Scott obliged and headed into the rink, Andi putting on her hunting boots and a jacket before closing the trunk and following suit.

As she walked in she could hear Boyd and Scott mid conversation, "He told me about the hunters."

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