Lovely Family Dinner

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Andi had trekked down the stairs having finally finished her homework, taking in the smell of garlic that led her towards the kitchen, where her mother was making dinner. 

"Good to know you're alive, for a minute I was worried you'd drowned in that pile of papers you had on your bed," Victoria cracked a smile towards her daughter.

The blonde shrugged, "I think my mind has turned into mush," she admitted, earning a chuckle from her mom.

"School getting to you?" Victoria's eyes diverted towards her daughter as she cut up vegetables.

"Trig," she let out a breath as she grabbed a piece of bread, "I swear if I have to do one more trigonometric ratio I'll stab myself in the eye."

The mother knew that she was joking, but she set down her knife and looked at her daughter's blue eyes with concern, "but it's not too overwhelming for you is it? I know coming back and jumping into school hasn't been ideal and we can all make adjustments if you-"

"Mom," Andi reached across the counter to place her hand on her mom's, "I'm okay, I promise. And I've caught up on all my work this semester, so it's just the normal coursework I have to worry about now."

Victoria sent a understanding smile in relief, looking at Andrea now gave her pride in the strength of her own daughter. To be able to pull out of the hole she was in before France couldn't have been easy and as much as she missed her then, she's glad that she received her daughter back and in a better state of mind. 

"You know now that you're caught up on work, your grandfather is going to want you to be training in the field more," Chris's voice announced as he came into the room, taking place next to his wife as he started to help cook. 

"It's her choice Chris and school, her life, comes before this," Victoria warned the conversation for going further. 

Chris sighed while placing hand on her shoulder, "She's in it this far, he's not going to give up on her training." 

Andi looked between the two as they spoke like she wasn't right in front of them, "I know and I'll be fine."

Both parents turned towards their youngest as she pulled on the best fake smile she could muster, but Victoria could recognize how her confidence faltered from the one she had in their previous conversation.

They continued to get ready for dinner, just waiting on Allison and Gerard, for the time being Chris slid over a small wine glass to Andi, sending a wink that caused her to small as she sipped it.

Back in France Gerard would occasionally let her have a glass at dinner, a lot of parents in the town did the same for their kids, it was normal to the culture. Chris only did it when Allison wasn't around, given that he didn't let her have any - youngest sister privileges. 

It's not that Andi was favorited, but ever since her dad found out that Gerard had begun her training behind his and Victoria's backs, there's been more leniency with certain rules. Andrea knew more than Allison in relation to the family business, she was more trained, and that gave her more freedom. 

She also wasn't as social or seemingly defiant as Allison, so her parents gave her more wiggle room with drinking - because it was only in the house - and Andi didn't really leave the house. 

The three moved around the kitchen as Andi stepped in to help get dinner ready, it was a nice moment of serenity for them all, to have her back, talking and laughing about normal things and not about her training or Gerard. 

The air was light with happiness as they heard the front door open, "Oh good, you're back. Dinner's almost ready," Victoria called out as Gerard and Allison made their way to the kitchen.

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