Figure Skater

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"Headed out?" Chris questioned from Allison's door frame.

Allison walked over to her father while Lydia placed her earbuds in, "Studying. Just studying, dad."

Chris looked at her apologetically, "I get it. But we need you to remember what happened."

"You want me to stop being friends with her?" the eldest Argent questioned in disbelief.

"Actually, we want the opposite," a weary look popping up on Allison's face, "I know how this might sound, but we need you to keep an eye on her.

"You want me to spy on her?"

"We want you to look out for your friend to make sure everything's okay with her," Argent explained with sincerity.

Both looked over at the strawberry blonde as she kissed the phone screen while admiring herself, "Seems okay to me."

Chris went to leave the two girls alone, but turned around to face his daughter one more time, "Maybe ask Andi if she'd like to join you, if you're studying she may need some help catching up in classes," he suggested.

Allison raised her eyebrows, "Or you just want her to keep an eye on Lydia on well? Since she is Gerard's protégé or a 'natural hunter'," her voice festering on her last words, not liking the idea of her little sister being someone's guard dog.

But her father shook his head, a sadness almost filling his eyes as he sighed, "No. I just don't want her to isolate herself and you two used to be together all the time, now that you have friends.. and I'm happy you do, I just don't want her to revert to old habits."

She nodded in understanding of where he was coming from and gave Chris a small smile, him kissing her forehead in thanks before finally leaving the room.

Lydia didn't care about Andi joining so Allison walked down the hall to her sister's room to find the blonde laying on her bed reading a book with her earbuds in.

"Knock knock," Allison peeked in to get her attention, causing the young Argent to take her earbuds out, "are you busy?"

Andi shrugged her shoulders, "just reading."

The brunette made her way into the room and sitting on the bed, "wanna go out?"

Her blue eyes filled with confusion, "Why?"

"Not the answer I was going for," Allison admitted, "Its just we haven't spent much time together since you got back and dad and I thought it'd be good to have you get out of the house and be social."

"Social?" Andi questioned while sitting up, "So dad thought it'd be good for me to third wheel your secret date with the boyfriend you're not supposed to have?" The baffled look on Allison's face amused Andi, "I was sitting with Boyd at lunch - he gave the keys to Stiles."

"Well you wouldn't be third wheeling, it's a group thing," Allison justified.

"Well who else is going?"

"Lydia and Stiles," her voice faltered in confidence.

Andi scoffed, "Fifth wheeling is not any better than third wheeling Allison, I'll stay here with Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy," she picked her book back up, but Allison snatched it out of her hand.

"First off, you have already read this like ten times so they won't miss you too much, second you won't be a fifth or third wheel and third, you're coming now get up and get ready," Allison's voice filled with authority.



"Nuh uh."

"Andrea Marie-Jeanne Argent get off your butt now."

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