We've Got Chemistry

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"Andi wait!" Scott rushed up next to the blonde, "you haven't been answering my texts."

She kept on walking, "I've been busy, how did you even get my number, we shouldn't even be talking."

"Well your parents are monitoring Allison's phone not yours an-and I need your help, you know more about this than the rest of us," he exclaimed. 

Andi seemed to have the most collective information and seemed to be most willing to share it with Scott. 

After last night - when Andi jumped out her window and headed into the dark woods - she was mentally and physically exhausted having only 4 hours of sleep, going to bed after sneaking back in late and waking up early as to avoid any questions from her family.

"Andi," the werewolf placed a hand on her arm in order to get her to stop walking and face him, "You're the only one who seems to want to do something about all of this, look we got the bestiary but it's-"

"In latin?" she cut him off, continuing to walk down the halls, Scott following.

"You knew?"

"The one in France is in Latin so I figured this wouldn't be any different," she shrugged her shoulders, Andi knew it'd be in Latin, but Scott seemed so excited last night when they'd figured where it was and he left so quick she didn't want to say anything.

"Well can you translate it?" he questioned with haste, "the thing that killed Bennett, it's called a Kanima we just need to find it and translate it."

She let out a sigh, "I speak French Scott, I only know some latin, but not enough to be helpful."

Scott looked at her confused, "but you said you read some of it."

Andi stopped walking, having reached her first class, "I read translations that Gerard got me on werewolves and other parts I needed for training, but nothing on any Kanimas. I'm sorry Scott, but I can't- I can't help you."

"You can't help? I thought that was the whole point-"

"I'm keeping my grandfather from committing genocide of a supernatural species - your species - I have other things to focus on than some Kanima," she could tell she was disappointing Scott, but it was for the best, "I'm sorry Scott, you should get to class."

She went to turn into her class, but once again Scott stopped her, but his eyes weren't angry, but instead filled with confusion and concern, "Andi is everything okay?"

Scott's concern took her by surprise.

He had noticed her shaking hands last night when the blonde handed him the tray in the kitchen, and the entire time they'd been talking this morning her hands stayed in her pockets, the smell of anxiety and leaves surrounding her.

"Look, Andi if there's something else going on you can tell me, I get that whatever is happening with your family isn't easy," he continued when she didn't respond.

Thankfully the bell rang and she was saved from her thoughts, "I'm fine Scott, just deal with your Kanima and don't get killed."


Scott made a note to talk to Allison about Andi, but it was instantly put into the back of his mind as Isaac Lahey showed up in first period. Then, Jackson came up questioning what a kanima was and mentioned how Isaac and Erica were planning to do something with Lydia and Andi during chemistry.

"Why would they think Andi was the kanima?" Stiles questioned as the two boys walked to the chemistry room, "she was with you last night while I was being cornered by it at the pool."

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