Round 2

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"Scott!" Andi rushed up to the werewolf as he was walking out of school.

The werewolf turned to face the younger Argent, slightly surprised to see her in her hunting gear inside the school, "Andi I gotta go."

"I know," she stopped once she was in front of him, "but you'll get there faster if I drive," she held out her keys in front of his face.

Without any questions or requests, Scott followed her to her small suv, hopping in the passenger seat as she sped out of the parking lot, "My house."

She nodded while tapping the steering wheel, silence filing over the two as she made her way across Beacon Hills, "How'd you know?"

"You guys aren't as great at being incognito as you think," she admitted, "The five of you were on top of Lydia and I during chemistry and Isaac admitted that Derek didn't really think it was me, then I saw Allison and the rest of your group ushering Lydia out of school while Derek's golden retrievers were searching the halls."

Scott looked at her for a moment in disbelief, "You're hard to figure out you realize that right?"

The blonde smirked as she peered over to him, "That's the whole point McCall."

He smiled back at her while they got close to his house, a moment of mutual understanding between the two. Lately it seems Scott and Andi were the only ones in this fight that shared that.

"Wait," he remember their conversation from this morning, "I thought you said you weren't dealing with this kanima stuff."

She sighed, pulling into the street behind Scott's, "I'm trying not to, but I told you I want to protect innocents from my grandfather's wrath - well I guess I'm extending that bridge to anyone, but Scott," she took a moment to catch his attention, "If I'm going to help I need to know, do you think it's Lydia?"

He looked at her, she seemed tired and she gave off this feeling of dread, "No... I mean I'm not 100% sure but no I don't think it is. Either way we have to stop it - which doesn't mean killing it."

Although a part of that seemed stupid to her, she would be a hypocrite not to understand given that she didn't want to kill anyone either.

"Okay," she pulled over on the side of the road, "let's go save Lydia."

She got out of the car and opened her trunk like at the ice skating rink, lifting up where her spare tire should be to reveal some - mostly non lethal - weapons.

"My house is the next street," Scott pointed out as he met her at the trunk.

"I know," she admitted while shutting the door, "I think it'd be better if we tried to sneak up on them instead of just pulling up next to them at your house, don't you?"

He had to admit she made a good point, "Yeah that's smart. Also what the hell is that?" he pointed to the stick in her hand.

She turned it one for a second, the electricity moving through the large baton, "Think of it like a taser but on a werewolf scale...I personally call it a lightsaber though."

She smiled at Scott who reciprocated it as they began to walk through the patch of trees towards his house. Though he hadn't seen Star Wars, he got the reference from what Stiles would go on about it, and it made him giddy as he saw the similarity between the blonde and his best friend.

Suddenly, Andi grabbed Scott's arm to keep him from walking as they neared his house, "Okay I'll going inside to see how they're holding up if you'll check out what's going on outside, and if it comes down to it I can take Erica and Isaac if you get Boyd, sound good?"

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