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"So they tied you up, basically threatened you if you can't protect yourself, and left you in a abandoned house to figure your way out of the restraints...alone," Stiles repeated with a bewildered expression.

"Yeah.." Allison confirmed while still being displeased with what happened last night.

"Awesome," the buzzed cut boy whispered, earning a stern look from his werewolf best friend, "n..not cool, totally not cool."

Scott sighed as he returned his eyes back to his girlfriend, "Well since we know Andi is trained or being trained, what did she have to say?"

"Honestly, nothing very helpful... or comforting."

While Allison still had not gotten back from her first training session, Andi was sitting on the living room couch doing her economics homework, her dad had gotten home nearly 3 hours ago. When the front door opened with the older Argent girl the blued eyed blonde didn't even look up.

"How'd it go?"

Allison huffed in annoyance, "You couldn't have given me a heads up?"

Andi didn't look from her textbook, "That would defeat the purpose of the exercise. Besides," she finally looked up and closed her textbook, "they didn't tell me they were going to start training you till before they left."

"So you had to do it too?" the brunette questioned.

Andi shrugged, "we all do, training can take different paths, but that first exercise is essential to all those who train. Did they use the voice memo?"

"Yeah, I don't totally understand what the point of it is though."

"It's simple. Train well, excell, be a good hunter. Don't get bit or else you either have to kill yourself or they will," the girl answered, her voice faltering a bit towards the end as she nearly choked in her words.

Allison was uncomfortable by her sister's words, "Well how long did it take for you the first time?" she asked in reference to breaking the restraints as she wanted to change the subject.

"It doesn't matter, its just a stepping stone," she replied.

Before Allison could press her further, wanting to know more about her sister's training in hopes it would reveal the true nature of the girl sitting in front her, another voice boomed as it came into the room.

"Andrea you should be proud of yourself," Gerard started as he walked over behind the couch the girls were on, "it took your sister 1 hour, 24 minutes, and 38 seconds to free herself, the only person close enough to breaking Kate's own record, and one of the fastest times in the past few decades."

Both girls internally shuttered at the mention of their homicidal aunt. Allison watched as her sister wouldn't meet her gaze after their grandfather's reveal of the youngest's abilities.

"Celestine - I'm sorry, Allison, your sister has shown a natural talent that only can be seen in the Argent blood, she's turning into a great soldier," he spoke as he placed a proud hand on the blonde's shoulder, "We were born into a family of hunters, and I have faith you'll have that same raw talent your sister demonstrated to me just over a year ago."

Allison visible cringed at the use of her christian name, "soldier? I thought women became leaders?"

"Oh they do, but like most soldiers, one must rise through the ranks, and your little sister is rising quite quickly if I do say so." With that the old man left the two girls alone in silence, dwelling on his words.

Solitude.Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ