Part 13: December of Changes I

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Gilmore House, Hartford

"You're grandfather called last night and told me to tell you girls he's bringing you each back something very special from Prague."

"Wow, Prague. How amazing is it that he's going to Prague?" Lilith rolls her eyes at Rory as she continues eating her salad.

"It's supposed to be lovely, very dramatic, castles everywhere."

"Did you know that the cell that Vaclav Havel was held in is now a hostel? You can stay there for, like, $50 a night." Rory tells Emily before turning to Lorelai. "Hey maybe on our big trip to Europe, we could stay in his cell."

"Absolutely and then we should go to Turkey and stay in that place from Midnight Express." Aunt Lore says distractedly as she picks out the avocado.

"Lorelai what are you doing?" Emily questions.

"Picking out the avocado."

"Since when don't you like avocado?"

"Since the day I said, gross what is this and you said avocado."

"I'm focusing on you two now. Tell me all about your plans for the Chilton formal next week."

"There's a formal next week?"  Aunt Lore looks at Rory.

"How do you know about the formal?" Rory asks.

"Yeah, how do you know?" Aunt Lore pipes up again and she puts her fork down realizing there is no way she's going to be able to eat in peace now.

"I read my Chilton newsletter besides Lilith has asked me to take her and her friend Lane shopping for their dresses."

"Lane is going to the dance?"

"Since when do you get the Chilton newsletter?"

"Well, as a major contributor to Rory's education and Lilith's emergency contact, I figured I had a right to ask for a newsletter sent to my house."

"Are you serious?"

"Aunt Lore quit while you're ahead."

"How is Lane going?" Rory asks Lilith again only to be ignored, again.

"And it's a good thing too, since you don't bother to read yours. One of us should be up to date on the going-ons of their school."

"Hey, mom, I read my newsletter."

"Should've listened to me." Lilith mumbles.

"You did?"

"That's right."

"What was the picture on the cover?"

"It was a picture of a really rich kid in plaid." Rory just watches the two of them go back and forth as she twiddles her thumbs. Lilith just facepalms.

"It was a spotted owl."

"In plaid."

"The owls are endangered, and Chilton is taking donations to help them. You two gave a very nice one, in case you're interested."

"Mom, don't be giving donations on Rory's behalf. I'll do that."

"How can you do that when you don't bother to read the newsletter?"

"Oh God." Lilith sighs lowly only to feel Rory's bony fingers poke her side.

"Lane is going to the formal?"

"Oh my God, yes!"


Next Week, Saturday Night

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