3: Drug Addict

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Katsuki smiled as he heard a slight groan from the living room. He put down his coffee onto the counter and turned around towards the sleeping boy. 

After having encountered the kid last night, Bakugou decided to bring him into his apartment and give him a good night sleep... maybe he could get some information about whoever was his drug dealer or something.

"Good Morning, Deku." The blonde snickered. 

The small boy sat up straight and stared at the other man in confusion.

It was silent for a little while, before Bakugou looked over to the clock. 

The blonde sighed and turned around, picking up his jacket. 

"Do you remember anything?" he asked, walking towards the door. 

The green haired kid simply shook his head.

Bakugou looked down. It was time to go to work, and he didn't have the time to explain what had happened.... But he knew the kid was majorly confused. 

The man walked over to the couch, sitting down next to the greenette. 

Being a few minutes late to work wasn't going to hurt, besides... He's always stuck at the office anyways. 

"Okay... so... Last night, when I was coming home, I came across you in an alley. You were taking illegal substances, and normally... I would've arrested you. But, I was off hours, and you seemed kinda young. How old are you, Deku?" Katsuki asked.

The boy frowned. "I'm 19 and a half... and... w-why do you keep calling me that?".

Katsuki glanced at the greenette in confusion. "You told me yesterday... that your name was Deku..." he stated. The green haired boy sighed and looked down, ashamed. "My name isn't Deku... it's... Izuku Midoriya." The small boy stated, glancing at the blonde occasionally. 

Katsuki sighed once more. Of course, the kid was high last night... he was saying random things. 

Bakugou stood up, walking towards the door. 

"Nice to meet you, Izuku. I'm Katsuki Bakugou, a local cop, as you can see. I'll see you tonight, when I bring supper." he smiled. The man was making sure to use nice words... After all, he didn't want Midoriya to run away.

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