4: Pills

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"I'm home..." Katsuki called out, walking into his apartment. 

Nobody seemed to be around.

The blonde sighed. Of course Izuku would run away. 

Bakugou walked over to the counter, putting down the Fast-Food bag onto it. 

He then walked over to the bathroom, where the door was closed...

Maybe Midoriya had closed it before leaving?

The tall male walked into the room, spotting Izuku, sitting against the bathtub with several empty pill bottles scattered around him. 

The greenette had gotten into the cabinet while Katsuki was gone, and had managed to take them all. 

Currently, Midoriya was passed out, and didn't seem well at all. Bakugou kneeled down beside him, feeling his pulse and checking his temperature.  He didn't seem to be having an overdose... nothing was going on. He was simply passed out.  

The blonde carefully picked the drug addict up, and brought him onto the couch, where he woke up within a few minutes. The boy was drowsy at first, but regained his senses when he noticed Katsuki, who was sitting in front of him, and seemed mad.

"Uh..." Izuku started. 

"What the hell, kid?! You literally ingested all the pills I had in this apartment! Can't you control yourself for 6 hours?!" Katsuki yelled, making the greenette look down in guilt.

"You're lucky I didn't arrest you! You could be behind bars right now! But Noooo! I was trying to be nice for once, and this is what happens! I let a god damn Junkie in my home, and I try to help him, but he ends up taking any pill he could find- I literally told you: Take a shower! But you didn't do that either, 'cause you were too busy getting high or whatever you call it- And you dare to d-" Bakugou stopped yelling when he heard sniffles from the couch beside him. 

He looked over to the crying greenette.

"I'm sorry! I can't help myself! I wanted to take a shower... and I wanted to clean the apartment for you, but then I found the pills... and I started taking some... I don't want this! I don't want to be a drug attict! But it takes away all the pain I feel... and it's the only thing that makes me feel good right now..." Midoriya cried.

Bakugou softened his gaze and sat down once more.

It was time to have an emotional talk... something he wasn't good at.

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