Brief Character Introduction

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*Disclaimer* I know heights may not be accurate, just go with it for plot purposes :)
Dr. Wilbur Soot
-Senior Psychological Analyst
Dr. Nikita Nihachu
-Nicknamed Niki
-Senior Medical Analyst
Dr. Y/N L/N
-Junior Psychological Analyst
Dr. Floris Jansen
-Nicknamed Fundy
-Junior Medical Analyst
-Has fox ears and tail due to SCP exposure
Dr Zak Ahmed
-Nicknamed Skeppy
-Behavioral Analyst
-Has various diamond patches on his body due to SCP exposure
Dr. Darryl Noveschosch
-Nicknamed Halo (the rest of this name is coming later, just wait)
-Behavioral Analyst
Eret, real name unknown
-CEO of Live Industries
-Key feature-> constant use of sunglasses, reason unknown
T-0669 (That was not planned I swear)
-Nicknamed Tommy
-Plant based humanoid SCP
-has control over vines surrounding his body
-strong attachment to T-9226
-Nicknamed Tubbo
-Bee type humanoid SCP
-maintains bee-like features, like antenna, and controls a few hundred bees who make their home around him
-very calm but easily frightened, relies on T-0669 for protection/safety
-Nicknamed Technoblade
-mentally high functioning pig hybrid
-radiates non dangerous exposure and is allowed to help around the labs with the other SCPs (mainly feeding)

This book is a work of fiction based on “Uncontainable” by jayfreedon Please give their amazing book love and attention as well, Considering you’re here, I assume you know what an SCP AU is, so I’m not going to go into huge amounts of detail on it. If you truly don’t know, I'm happy to try to explain it in the comments and Google is also an awesome resource :) Please feel free to leave constructive criticism and thoughts in the comments, I read them all and am open to your ideas and opinions. Please remember to remain kind to each other in the comments and enjoy my book.
Also, according to Wattpad analytics, 90% of my readers don’t vote on my stories, so please consider voting. You can always remove your vote  later :)

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