Pillow War!

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"W-well, Menma doesn't have many friends...so he's never been invited to a sleepover." "and I have this condition that allows me to have both female and male reproductive system.....so I had him. As far as the father, that's none of your business." Naruto replied and Sasuke looked shocked.

'Is that even possible?? Well, I guess that explains why calls Naruto mama' He thought, has he known this for a long time. " I see, well how about you go gather his things and meet me back at my house, I assume you remember where it is." Naruto rolled his eyes at that and got back into his car before Menma came running over.

"Where are you going mama?"

"I'm going home to get your sleeping clothes and stuffy, okay?" Menma nodded and jumped onto the car so he could give his mama a kiss on his forehead.

"Bye Mama!" Naruto smiled and drove off when his son got off of the car.

"Come on let's go." Sasuke told Sarada


Sarada stared at the boy inside of her car (well not really hers but you know) she had just met this boy and now her father was forcing her to invite him over for a sleepover! He was a total loser! She had always seen him eating alone at lunch and he had zero friends. The only reason she had approached him was because he was the smartest kid that she knew and she didn't want to do her homework. But of course, her dad that always managed to disappear had ruined everything.

"So um...Menma what do you like to eat?" Sasuke asked, he knew he was terrible with small talk..but anything was better than nothing right?

"Oh, I like tomato soup! Mostly just the tomato part. Mama likes ramen but that stuff is nasty to me, except the kind with Menma in it!" He muttered happily and took out his homework to start doing it.

"Hn, me too" Sasuke looked at him from the rear-view mirror in confusion. This kid was so different from Naruto..but so like him in a way. Whoever this kid's dad is, is missing out. He sighed and looked at Sarada who was still glaring at him. He started wondering whether or not Sarada was even his. What kind of Uchiha needed glasses anyway? They were special for their eyes and skills. Besides, Sasuke always had suspicions that Sakura cheated.

"But I really like when he makes the soup himself!" Menma added, to which Sarada rolled her eyes.


When they made it to Sasuke's house Menma instantly gasped at the huge home, equipped with multiple 'wow's' as he explored the house. Never in his life had seen a kid so happy about a house. "This is huge! I get to spend the night here ?" He gleefully asked Sasuke who then nodded in agreement. Sarada had disappeared somewhere in the house when they had first got there. He had no idea where his so-called 'wife' was, nor did he care. After about an hour of showing Menma where he would be sleeping, and giving him and Sarada pillows for a pillow fort, somewhere between that, a pillow was thrown at Sasuke causing an all-out pillow fight war. There is 'war' because the three had set up bases and everything. Sasuke's tie was now on his head and his shirt had been all crumpled.

"Come out Menma...or Sarada. I know you're here somewhere" Sasuke cooed-- well as much as he could. It was a mono-coo (monotone coo). He thought he saw someone move so he threw the pillow he had at it. But the color on his face drained when he learned what it was. It was Naruto, who a second later burst out laughing at the get-up Sasuke had on making Sasuke blush at being caught in such an embarrassing situation. While he had been distracted, Sarada threw a pillow at his back.

"Ha! I win. Take that losers!" she bounced around in happiness and Menma came around the corner.

"Aw man- mama!" He instantly ran to Naruto and hugged him.

"Hey-- hu-- pfft! Hun!" He could barely get a word out, he was laughing so hard. "What's going on here?"

"We were having a pillow fight!" Menma answered, "wanna join mama?" Naruto made a smirk and placed the bags he was holding down.

"Only if you guys wanna lose"

Sasuke rolled his eyes "Tch as if dobe"

"Says the person who just lost"

"Hn, you're still a dobe, dobe" He turned around to pick up a pillow before about three were thrown at his back. He instantly whipped around to see who it was, but Sarada, Menma and, Naruto were all gone. "Three against one? I hardly see how that's fair. "


The four were all laying on the ground, tired and breathing heavily. It had been hours on hours before they decided that the pillow fight needed to end. They had played many rounds, adult against children, Sasuke and Sarada vs. Naruto and Menma, and everyone to fend for themselves and many more. Naruto had to call Kiba and tell him he would be staying at a friend's house, he knew he couldn't tell Kiba that Sasuke was the friend because he would try and jump Sasuke any chance got for leaving him. The doorbell rang and Sasuke went to go see who it was. When he came back, Naruto was shocked

"Gaara?!" Naruto shouted with a smile bright on his face. He had not seen the red-haired boy with pale green eyes in so long.

"Naruto?" Ah, his voice was as dark as ever only with a bit of base in it. A great weapon to use on the females. "Is it-- is it you?"

Sasuke frowned. ' They know each other?'

"Where have you been man?" Naruto bounced over to him and hugged him in a tight bearhug. "How was your family?! I haven't seen you ever since you got adopted"

"Uh- great- Naruto I- I can't breathe" Naruto coughed and let go with a sheepish smile. "My family was okay after my father died that is. He was the only reason it was ever 'bad'. What about you?" Gaara asked while Menma was trying to get Sasuke to play more but he was too invested in Naruto and Gaara's conversation. "Well, I uhm....I never got a family" Naruto scratched the back of his neck at the sensitive conversation. "But I kinda got someone close! whenever I was able to move on my own" He smiled. "His name is Iruka"

"Iruka you say.."

"How do you two know each other?" Straight to the point. Just like Sasuke.

"Oh well we met in the orphanage, we formed a group of nine people- well that is until everyone got adopted and the group broke up" Naruto explained to Sasuke.

"He was my first real friend" Gaara also explained, and Sasuke replied with 'hn'

"Anyway, Gaara what are you doing here?" Naruto asked. He had to think of something to recover from that blush Gaara created with the 'friend' thing. Menma and Sarada had just decided to give up in trying to get Sasuke's attention and moved somewhere else in the mansion.

"I was here to greet Sasuke, now that he's back, but I'm glad to see that you are here" Gaara smiled and it made Naruto blush more, Gaara never smiled.

"Okay, Gaara you've done that now, goodbye" Sasuke started pushing Gaara out. He had seen enough of the two flirting right in front of him.

"Oh bye Gaara! Maybe we can get coffee some time?!" Naruto yelled before Gaara was out of earshot. 

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