I want you

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Naruto woke up with an impossibly unbearable headache the following morning. He squinted his eyes as the bright sunlight from the window was blaring onto him. 'What time is it?' He thought to himself. He looked around the room, it was white and pale with the occasional colored decoration. 'Must be Sasuke's house' 'But how did I get here?'

He thought back to what he could remember. He remembered going to the bar with his so-called 'brother' and asking him questions then everything was black. He sat up from the bed trying his best not to make the pulsing banging against his head any worse and made a low groaning sound as he made the effort to stand up, nearly toppling over. He looked at the nightstand, there was a full glass of room-temperature water sitting on it. Naruto noticed he was wearing nothing but an overly large t-shirt, his boxers, and his white socks. It looked expensive, Sasuke must've put it on him. He tried not to blush at the thought of Sasuke handling him while he was naked.

He walked out of the guest room that was the nearest to the living room and down the pale white halls of Sasuke's house. These walls were filled with lost but not forgotten memories. He remembered each time he and Sasuke had rushed into the house, their mouths locked together and their bodies sweating as they tried to get impossibly closer to each other.

It was the past now, and the more Naruto thought about it, the more he realized it would never go back to being that way. He walked into the kitchen to find Sasuke making food, He had always been the cook between the two. The only thing Naruto knew how to cook was instant ramen.

"Good morning dobe, how'd you sleep?" Sasuke asked and Naruto just groaned in reply.

"What time is it?" He asked as he sat on the island bar stools in front of Sasuke, Naruto always loved his kitchen. It stands out for its modern style and enduring appeal. The handle-less shaker countertop that add a touch of contrast, while the light wood parquet brings a modern and relaxed atmosphere to the space. The white island kitchen adds elegance to the space by providing integrity with the white countertop. A minimal trio of gray pendants and wooden bar chairs are the finishing touches.

"12:36" Sasuke replied as he placed a plate full of food in front of Naruto. "Eat dobe, I'm sure you're hungry" Naruto nodded but paused as he realized it was past the time for Menma to go to school.

"Shit! Where's Menma?" He's about to get up and start panicking but Sasuke picks him up and sat him back in the chair.

"I took him to school and gave him breakfast and lunch to eat. So now it's time for you to rest Naruto. I called your job and told them that you wouldn't be coming in today" the color drained from Naruto's face and he looked like a ghost. "You don't even need that job anymore, I can buy things for you and Menma" Naruto looked at him with a surprised face

"Sasuke are you not understanding that we are not together anymore? Thanks to you and your actions and your cowardliness" Naruto could feel his emotions rising up in him as he stood up out of the chair and started walking towards the hallway. "Where are my clothes, I'm leaving"

Sasuke knew he had fucked up again so he walked behind him and pushed him up against the wall and pinned his hands above him so he couldn't move. "What the hell Sasuke? Let me go!"

"I'm sorry" Sasuke muttered.

"You're what?"

"I'm sorry!! I just- I want to make it up to you. I want to be with you and I know I can't because I know I fucked up but I just...I want you" Sasuke let Naruto's arms go and he rested his head on Naruto's shoulder. "Please don't go"

Naruto had never seen this side of Sasuke before; it made his heart warm and his face turns red. "O-okay I'll stay. But no more interfering with my job okay?" Sasuke nodded and wrapped his arms around Naruto, his nose dug into his neck.

Naruto began to hug him back and he couldn't stop himself from sinking into his embrace. "Im divorcing Sakura" Sasuke said suddenly and Naruto looked at him confused.

"What do you mean? Why?" Naruto asked but the conversation was cut short by the phone that was sitting on one of the living room's coffee tables. Naruto looked at the phone and noticed that it was his. Sasuke removed himself from him and let Naruto go to check the phone.

It was Gaara. Naruto wondered what he could be calling about as he answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Naruto, hello."

"Oh hi, Gaara! How are you doing?" Sasuke felt his lip turn up from instant jealousy as he tried to listen harder into the conversation. What could Gaara want with Naruto and since when were they on 'you can call me anytime' terms.?

"There's a new ramen place that opened up two blocks away from where I live. It made me think of you so I was wondering if you wanted to try it out with me"

"Oh! I think I heard about that from someone at work. Of course, ill try it out with you. What time?" Naruto smiled hard and Sasuke felt his anger boil inside of him.

"Great, its a date. I'll pick you up around 3 pm, just send me your address." Naruto felt his face heat up at the thought of it being a 'date' and he tried not to stutter over his words but he failed.

"O-okay" He heard the phone back and turned back to look at a very upset Sasuke. "What?"

"What was that?" Sasuke asked, trying to keep the jealousy from dripping into his voice.

"Oh that was just Gaara. He asked me to try out that new ramen place on raspdierry and oakwood st" He started to scratch his head, and the tension felt very uncomfortable.

"You two are dating?" He scoffed out.

"What? No! It's not a date...he just knows that I like ramen so he invited me to hang out that's all. It's most definitely not a date."

Sasuke 'hn'd' and decided to let the conversation go. He still felt angry. If Gaara tried to make a move on his Naruto he felt like he would do something he'd know he'd regret.

"Uh... let's eat yeah? The food is getting cold" Sasuke nodded.


"I absolutely hate Romeo and Juliet" Sasuke huffs out and Naruto looked at him like he has just murdered someone in cold blood.

"You what?" He asks, and Sasuke just shrugs.

"It's stupid to me, they meet, get married, and fuck all in one day" "that can't be authentic love"

"Well of course it's unrealistic, it's poetry. The real magic behind it is how the characters are portrayed. Romeo's character is my favorite." Naruto explains with a sparkle in his eye.

"Why? Do you think he's hot?" Sasuke annoyingly asks as he changes the way he's sitting on the couch.

"What?! No!" Naruto almost looks offended and Sasuke broke into a laugh. It was a rare sight to see Sasuke- the king of frowning- laughing. It tugged Naruto's heart in a way he knew he didn't like.

Naruto watched as porcelain cheeks wrinkle from his laugh. His eyes moved to his lips, they thought of how soft they looked and how nice it would be to touch them.

A small 'ding' broke him out of his trance and he looked at his phone. It was Gaara. Sasuke heard it too and his mood instantly went sour, he knew what it meant.

"Uh..I think it's time for me to go. Do you mind having one of your drivers drop me off at home?"

Sasuke wanted to say no. He wanted to grab Naruto's hand and throw his phone and pull him into a tight hug. He wanted Naruto to forget about anyone else. But he knew he couldn't, it wouldn't solve anything with Naruto.

Instead, he gave a subtle 'hn' and watched as Naruto left the room.


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