Employee Ship

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"Ugh what a pain..." Naruto groaned and shoved the last bag into the dumpster. "I'm so glad this is my last shift for the week" He smiled and scratched the back of his neck. Hopefully, with this next check, he'll be able to get him and Menma their own place. He's been saving up for a long time. Just enough for an apartment and he'd be able to hold his own with the rent for at least two years.

"Naruto! Boss is calling you!" He heard Ten-Ten yell from the back door. He said a quick 'K' and ran towards the door.


Five minutes later he was here in his boss's office. "Look, Naruto.... We have been really slow on customers lately...so money's been really short. We can't have extra employment, so we checked the board to see who had the least amount of work, plus missed days, and it turned out to be you"

Naruto looked at his boss confused "and then what...?' Naruto watched as his boss sighed.

"We have to let you go Naruto" His eyes widened and his mouth fell slack in disbelief.

"I've given so many years to this job...and you fire me because you're low on money ?!" The boss looked at the ground in shame. "What if I did a fundraiser or something to bring in new customers and money! Could I keep my job then? Come on old man I'm so close to my goal!"

Naruto smiled as the boss sighed and agreed. "Naruto you don't need to do this- you'll tire yourself out again and then-"

"Don't worry, I won't this time. I'll raise so much money that we'll be known all around the world!" He jumped and ran out of the office.


Sasuke watched as Naruto handed Sarada and Menma their sandwiches and allowed them to continue playing. "Is something wrong dobe?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" Naruto sat back comfortably and looked back at Sasuke.

"Nevermind" Sasuke shook it off and looked back at the kids.

"Say teme, do you mind giving me Itachi's number?" Naruto added a smile to it, knowing Sasuke was probably going to say no either way but with a smile, there's a chance he'd say yes.

"Why." Sasuke frowned and rolled his eyes. He's hoping his brother isn't doing anything with Naruto behind his back.

"Well uh...a friend of mine wanted to work at his company" Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

"Which friend?"

"Uh...." Naruto whispered, "Gaara.."

"What? Speak louder dobe"

"Gaara!" Naruto accidentally shouted louder than he intended.

"Gaara? No." Naruto rolled his eyes and started shaking Sasuke.

"Why not?! Aren't you guys friends?? Help a friend out! Come on Sasuke!" Sasuke replied with a 'hn' and grabbed one of his tomatoes to eat. "Seriously? After the little stunt, you pulled two days ago, I deserve this!"

"It's no 'stunt' if you enjoyed it Naruto" Sasuke smirked and bit into the fruit and Naruto gaped, stuttering over whatever words tried to come out of his mouth after that.


"Is your mom okay Menma?" Sarada put down her sandwich and looked at how weird Naruto was acting.

"Well I dunno...he kept screaming two days ago while I was trying to sleep and he was whaling in the bathroom." Menma took a huge chomp and smiled gleefully.

Sarada looked at him and raised an eyebrow. "Whaling? Was he in pain or something??"

"I don't think so.."

Menma UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now