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"Kurama....Uzumaki?" Naruto nearly dropped his keys. Kurama took off the hoodie that was covering most of his face and all of his hair. He looked like the complete opposite of Naruto, almost like a human version of a red fox. "That's impossible, I have no family" Naruto sighed and put his keys in his pockets.

"I thought that too until I found out our parents had another child when I was five," Kurama said.

"That doesn't make any sense, why would they give me up for adoption then? And how did you not know that mother was pregnant?"

"I was with our grandmother the entire time, so-" Naruto rolled his eyes and began walking back to his car.

"Look, I appreciate you coming all this way. If this is some sort of joke then go play it on someone else, I've never had a family and I've always been alone. Got that?" He got into his car and slammed the door in Kurama's face and began driving off.


Naruto opened the door to his and Kiba's apartment to see Kiba standing there with an angry look on his face. "Uh- I'm sorry I forgot to pick up Menma today-"

"Are you seeing Sasuke again?" Kiba crossed his arms and began to glare at his best friend.

"What- no- I- how did you-"

"When I went to pick up Menma, he was there chatting away with Menma talking about god knows what. Does he know about Menma, Naruto?"

"No! I promise he doesn't know, I saw him at the supermarket last week and he asked me for coffee and-"

"And you went out with that bastard?? He dips on you for 10 years then comes and asks you out on a date and you accept??"

"It wasn't a date! He wanted to explain himself...but I wouldn't let him" "and it turns out Menma and his daughter go to the same school and they are friends"

"His daughter?? He's married!? Oh god this man is sick" Naruto sighed and glared back at Kiba."okay okay, finish"

"Yes he's married, but apparently to him, he's not happy. He said he left because his father threatened to kill me unless he joined the family business and got an actual wife who could provide him with children to continue the line. But now he says that he'll work with Itachi so he won't have to listen to him anymore"

Kiba's eyes widened. "Kill you??! What is his dad running? A mafia??"

"I wouldn't put it past him. That man gives off bad vibes"

"Well, are you thinking about going back to him?" Kiba un-crossed his arms and turned his glare into a worried face

"Hey, how about you worry about that date you have with Hinata" That made Kiba blush like someone had just tried to milk him like a cow.

"How did you-"

"You're a sleep talker" Naruto smirked and moved further into the house. "Where's Menma?"

"Asleep. I let him watch this show called Daniel's Tiger and he seemed interested"

"You mean you put it on and watched it with him?" Kiba scoffed and handed Akamaru a bone.

"It's not my fault they make kid shows so interesting" Naruto burst out laughing.


Naruto walks into his shared room with Menma and sees him sleeping peacefully in his bed and he smiles. He goes to their closet and begins to grab clothes to sleep in after he showers and realizes one of the shirts he wants to wear is hung up high. "Okay, I got this" he jumps up prepared to get the shirt but ends up grabbing the wrong side of the wrong shirt. The hanger that the other shirt was on flung off the rack and hit Naruto square in the eye.

Menma UchihaWhere stories live. Discover now