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"But- Sasuke- I-" She started to cry and reached her hands out to him but he smacked them away.

"Now Sakura." She huffed and ran towards the room Sarada was in and pushed Menma out the way, grabbed Sarada, and yanked her along.

"Wait! But mommy where are we-"

"Shut up Sarada, we're leaving now" She continued to yank her as she walked out the front door and Menma ran after them, grabbed Sakura's shirt, and looked at her with a fierce look in his eyes.

"You can't take her, she doesn't want to go!" He clutched tighter and she stared at him.

"Get your hands off me you ugly little boy" She seethed at him and pushed him away and continued to walk away with Sarada while he screamed and cried after her.


Naruto sighed as he began to walk to his car. "I need a drink" he mumbled to himself and jumped when he heard someone speak next to him.

"Mind if I join?" It was the same man who claimed to be his brother. "I don't drink too much but when I do I can go for a hell of a long time" Naruto paused for a second and stared at the man. He had orange/red hair and tan skin, just as tan as he was.

"F-Fine. I'll grab just one drink with you" The man smiled and got into the passenger side of his car. Naruto got in and breathed heavily and began to drive to the closest bar.

When they got to the bar Naruto and Kurama sat down. Naruto ordered the cheapest thing on the menu and Kurama looked and saw that it was Jeppson's Malört and he almost barfed inside his mouth he

shook his head and said he'll pay for anything as long as he doesn't get that shit. Naruto shrugged and order some 1000-year-old red wine. "So I get the feeling you didn't come here just to drink alcohol, and I have a few questions about the other day."

Kurama smirked and raised his hands in defeat. "Shoot" "I'll only answer with yes and no just to keep this interesting"

"Okay...are you stalking me?" Naruto looked him in the eye and ignored the bartender when she gave him his drink. Kurama smiled once more and said:

"Yes and no"

"Not helpful, are you really my brother?"


"Okay, I have questions that can't be answered with yes or no!" Naruto groaned and angrily gulped down his wine and ordered another. Kurama shrugged his shoulders and waited for more questions. About 30 minutes later Naruto had asked all the questions he could think of that could be answered with yes or no and he was completely drunk.

"Well it would seem that I must take my leave now little brother, the bill has been paid for. It doesn't seem like you're drunk to the point where you can't drive Revoir!"

"Hey wait just a minute I haven't finished-" Naruto blinked as he noticed he was gone and groaned.

Naruto opened Sasuke's door and walked inside, the dizziness of his vision making it quite hard to walk into the house filled with decor. He walked into the living room and found Sasuke sitting on the couch with a laptop on his lap and what looked like millions of papers surrounding him on the couch. "Naruto?"

"H-heyyy Sasuke! Has anyone ever mentioned that you're like....really fucking sexy?" Naruto slowly navigated to Sasuke and drunkenly pulled the laptop off and sat in place of it.

"Naruto are you dru-" Naruto put a finger to his lips and shushed him.

"Let's not worry about that, I'm horny" he kissed him deeply and started to unzip Sasuke's pants and then put his hands in his hair, tan hands swimming in a sea of black hair. Naruto's hips started slowly grinding on Sasuke's already hardening erection.

Sasuke wasn't exactly sure why Naruto was coming onto him, but he was aware that Naruto was drunk. Although he's been craving so much for this kind of friction between him and Naruto, he'd like to do it when both of them are sober. So he picked Naruto up and let him wrap his legs around his waist and started to walk to the nearest guest room, kicked the door open with the tip of his foot, and quickly walked into the room. He gently placed him on the bed. Naruto started to remove his clothes but Sasuke quickly stopped him. "Not today, not now" He said, his voice dripping with pure lust and restraint. "I can't take you like this" He said, pushing Naruto's hands off his body and gently holding him in place.

Naruto pouted. "I want you to fuck me" He said, his voice trembling with eagerness. "I need you, I need this" He pleaded. Sasuke damn near was about to give in but he knew Naruto would never forgive him if he continues. So he softly kissed Naruto and went to the door, cock throbbing impossibly hard in his joggers. "I'll bring you water later" He had shut the door closed 

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