Bonding time Pt 2

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Scorpio's Pov:

I was talking Sagittarius about how should we announce that we have been dating for a month now to everyone else, since no one really knew. Then suddenly the MC came saying, "welcome my top 12," with a weird grin on his face. Gee, that guy always seem weird and suspicious to me. "I hope you 12 are doing well and I sincerely apologize to Libra for not putting more security to watch out for fans going to attack you," he said looking at Libra next to me. 

"Oh, it's fine, I didn't really got hurt to be honest," she says with a weird expression. You see I'm an observer, so I always noticed somethings that other people don't really. But these 12 people are kind of hard to know because they don't show much. All I know is that Aries and Virgo are kinda into each other and Taurus and Aquarius is also crushing on each other. Gemini, she's just hanging around and she would be quiet or talk a lot, no in between. Cancer, well he's grumpy at times for some reason and doesn't really give no shit about people. Leo, the problematic guy but he have a soft side for a certain someone, Libra. But she thinks that he's a player since she just got out of a toxic relationship, how do I know, I'm not telling. 

Well me and Sagittarius are in a relationship but no one knows, I think maybe Libra and Aquarius does since they know Sagittarius kind of well. Capricorn just doesn't really talk much, same as Pisces but they always keep stealing glances with each other. These 12 are interesting, then I snapped out of my thought when I heard Sagittarius called my name, "uh yeah." 

"What are you ordering, everyone already did," she told me. "Oh umm, I'll have steak please," I told the waiter. "What were you thinking about," Saggie whispered to me. "About a lot of things, don't worry about it babe," I whisper softly back. "Should we tell everyone now or," she asks me. "You guys could announce when we are finally alone 12 of us," Libra butt in our conversation. 

We both stared at her, "oh I'm sorry to eavesdrop but I heard you guys, but don't worry I'm not gonna say anything." Sag smiled, "thanks Libby." 

"Yeah no problem and we're meeting somewhere after diner too, so you guys can say anything when the MC isn't here," she whispered to us. We both smiled and turn back to others. Well, I knew that Libra would know and I wasn't really surprised. The MC walked out but there are security camera everywhere, so we shouldn't say anything wrong. 

"So everyone knows right," Libra break the silence. Everyone nodded, "well since it is our bonding time, we should get to know each other," she added. "We should start in order then," asks Aquarius. There are few yes's and nods. "Actually, we don't need to since our information is already online," Gemini said sitting in her seat. "Umm well then, what should we even talk about," Libra asks to break the tension. 

"Maybe we should eat then you know the drill," I said trying to back up Libra. Everyone agreed and wait for their food to arrive. Everyone is talking to the person next to them or in front of them. "Do you know why Libra and Aquarius wants to meet us after diner," Sagittarius asks me. "To be honest, about that I don't know and it seems like they don't want the MC to get more information about us," I replied. 

I looked over to see Libra talking to Aries since she's facing her. "Well, we'll just have to wait first," I said turning to face Sag again. She smiled and nodded and put her hands on my lap. The food came and we begin eating, some of them took a photos of the food to post it. "Wait guys, picture time before we eat," Libra shout. Some of the hungry people groan but they agreed to it. 

She called the waiter to take a couple of pictures of us all. "Thanks," she said to him and look at him, "wait I know you, you are the strange but attractive guy I bumped into at the tiktok convention thingy." The boy grin, "I thought you won't remember me," I looked at Leo glaring at that guy. 

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