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Aquarius's Pov: 

It's been 2 weeks now and everyone was busy preparing for this one week trip to the Bahamas. It's currently January, Friday the 17th, we're leaving tomorrow morning at 5 am. 

I love the feeling of going to the airport early in the morning, it feels nostalgic. I went to knock on Taurus's room wondering if he's done. "Who is it," the voice called out in the room. 

"It's me, Aquarius," I answered leaning towards the door to hear what he's doing. It was a moment of silent, then the door swing open and I was falling into someone's chest. I looked up to see Taurus looking at me confused. 

I stand up straight, "uh, well I was wondering if you're done," I ask trying look like I wasn't doing anything. "Just finishing things up, you can come in to chill first," he said as he open the door wider for me to enter. 

I looked around hoping no one would see me entering his room, then I walk in slowly. Wow, he have a total different vibe from my room. I looked around to see suitcases he had packed. 

"You sure do pack a lot for a guy," I tried to joke but he looked at me like I said something wrong, "I'm joking," I laugh sheepishly. 

He chuckle, "I'm just preparing everything just in case." I looked around to find somewhere to sit but all his chairs is covered with his clothes and other stuff. 

"You can sit on the bed," he said walking over to pick up some clothes from the bed. I shake my head, "no, it's okay, I can just stand here and wait around," my voice drift off. 

I went over to sit down because my leg is going to be numb if I stand for too long. Taurus went over to his suitcase to add more things. 

I checked my phone and messaged Libra.


Me: guess where I am right now

I waited for a while for her reply but she didn't, I guess she's busy. I looked up my phone to see Taurus zipping his suitcase. "You're done," I ask him as I stand up. 

He nodded, "yeah, it's pretty tiring to pack things up for vacation." I smile, "yeah, true, I've already finished mine though." 

He came over to sit next to me on his bed. I realized that I'm alone in his room with him on his bed. I start to burn up and I laugh awkwardly. 

"Aqua," he said my name and I look up to him, our eyes met and we stayed there for a while. He gaze shift down to my lips and I lick them. 

His hand reached for my face and we pull towards each other slowly, I close my eyes waiting for our lips to touch but then a phone ring. 

We were startled and jump away from each other, "uh, sorry it's mine," I said and look at my phone, "great timing Libra," I mutter disappointed. 


I pull the phone away from my ear scared it'll burst my eardrums. Then she hang up after saying that. "Ah, sorry I have to go help Libra with whatever her emergency is," I said standing up and walking to the door.

He didn't say anything, so I just grab the door knob but when I was about to twist it, he pulled me towards him and give me a kiss. 

My eyes shot open but I gave in and kiss him back too. After a few more seconds, we pull back and stare into each other's eyes. 

I smiled at him and he smiled back, he was still holding me into his arms, "should we keep this a secret for a little first," I said to him. He nodded, "let's make it a surprise for everyone." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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