Bonding time Pt 3

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Virgo's Pov:

After getting food, we actually talked not like the first time we drove together, it was so awkward and I was texting Aries even though we were next to each other. "So you guys are together one month already," Aries asks Sagittarius and Scorpio. "Yup, it's been a while now," Sag answered still holding hand with Scorpio who was still driving. 

I looked over to see Aries, which she did at the same time and we turn away. Scorpio noticed that and smirk, "what about you two, when are you guys going to date," he asks. Sagittarius hit him on the thigh, which actually hurts because he was groaning. I kinda blush but when I turn to see Aries, she was also turning red or is it my imagination. 

I mean we just flirting around as I joke I think, then I just fell in love with her but didn't know it would be this hard. "Hahah, I was just joking guys, don't take it to heart," Scorpio said laughing at our awkwardness. Again both of us didn't say anything, then we finally arrived at Libra's house. We all get off the car and walked in Libra house. 

We drop the food on the table in the living room, carefully not to spill it or Libra will kill us. Everybody came in and and sit down, nothing to do. "Let's go to the theatre room," Libra suggested. We all get our food and followed Libra to the theatre room. Wow, it's huge and spacey. We all sat in the front row perfect for 12 people, with our food, there is a tiny table in each seat so we could put our food. 

I like this theatre than the normal theatre/cinema room. I sat next to Aries and Cancer, since some people already took the places. I take out my hash brown scramble burritos and eat bite by bites while watch whatever movie Libra was putting on. "Hey, Virgo," Aries whispered to me. I turn to her, "can I take a bite," she asks me softly nobody can hear. I raise the burrito to her face and she took a bite, wait a minute, I didn't think but sharing food with Aries?! My mind went blank most of the time thinking about what happen. 

I finish my food and feeling thirsty I look around wanting to find water but Aries tap me. She hand me her soda, "here, you can have it, you must be thirsty," she said with a smile. I smiled back but hesitate to drink the soda. I look at the screen trying not to show any emotion to let her or other people see. Before I knew it, Libra was already taking a snap of me drinking Aries water, I see it with the corner of my eyes. 

I choked on the water because I was surprised, which caused all the attention on me. I could hear Libra, Aquarius, Sagittarius was laughing while the other just stare at me when Aries was checking if I was okay. "Are you okay, Virgo," she said facing me looking worried. "Yeah, I'm fine, just surprised someone is taking a snap of me drinking water," I said the last part loudly so everyone could here. 

Libra stopped laughing a bit and snort again. Which cause the other two girl to laugh even harder. Gosh, being in this group is weird but fun in a way. Aries just stared at me and begin to giggle softly. I looked at her and just smile sheepishly. The other looks like the mentally face palm or laughing on the inside as well. We return our attention to the big screen and finished the movie. 

Luckily the movie is comedy-drama, we all laughed the whole time. We get up from our seat and collect our trash and went out of the movie theatre room. "So, movie is done, food is done, what next," Libra said facing all of us. "Maybe we should shower and change into our PJs to make us more comfortable since we're still in this fancy outfit," Sagittarius suggested. We all agreed, "I have a bathroom in my room, two bathroom this floor, two bathroom at the first floor and one outside bathroom at my backyard," Libra tell us. 

"You could choose any bathroom, so like umm I can't do math someone do it for me," Libra complained. "So each bathroom can use two person," Pisces helped Libra with math. "Yeah that's right, so one more person come with me to my room," Libra said proudly like she did it. "Me, me, I volunteer since no one will," Leo screamed from the back of everyone. "I think not, I'm going with Libra," Aqua said pulling Libra arm to her room. 

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