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Cancer's Pov:

Libra stormed out the door like a boss, me following right behind her while the paparazzi came rushing to her. I need to put a reminder to get a bodyguard when we go out so that the girls doesn't get hurt. I tried to push back the paparazzi while, Libra was looking at me surprise, why is people surprise in everything I do. I locked eyes with her and she gave me a gentle smile, badump, my heart skipped a beat. 

Bro, what is this feeling. 

She walked to Leo car and enter while I went to Pisces car so then we can start driving away from the place and paparazzi. "Well, you were a great bodyguard out there," Pisces teases me. I looked at him like I know nothing, "oh please Cancer, we saw you how you were protecting Libra from the paparazzi not caring about the others were there as well, you were staring at her as well, if you haven't notice," Gemini tells me the details and bla bla bla. 

I'm just staring out the window and not listening to what they're saying then suddenly I thought of Libra's gentle smile she gave me. My heart skipped a beat again, I clutch my shirt on my heart and didn't realize Gemini and Capricorn was staring while Pisces is asking what's going on. "Nothing, just too full, I guess," I tried to play it cool not wanting people to know what's happening to me. I sigh, I don't really liked feeling like this at all, it feels strange. 

We literally were just following the rest of the car don't know where we're going, maybe it's a good chance to text Libra, I have an excuse to go with it. I take out my phone and start going into Libra's profile and start typing, "hey, um so we were wondering where we're going," then I deleted it, "hey, where we're going," then I deleted it again. I stopped typing and sigh, I don't know what to say. 

Then a message pop in the group,

aWeSoMe stArs(12)

LiBRA: we're going to one of my dad friends that could help us find our mansion together.

Great I lost my chance to text her just thinking about what to type, then I look back down on my phone. 

DiseaseCance: Is it far or some

LiBRA: hmm no not really let's say an hour or so

I smiled at the text, she replied back to me.

AIRies: guys i think that the paparazzi is following us right now

"Wait the paparazzi is actually that black car behind us this whole time, I knew it was suspicious," Gemini says, I look behind us and I've seen that car for a while now. 

Gemineye: it's the black car that is always behind Pisces's car right now

DiseaseCance: yeah I saw it too, be careful guys, and Libra too

LiBRA: don't worry cance, we'll drive to another place so he doesn't know where we're exactly going

Saggitits: LMFAOO, who the fuck puts our nicknames

Virgin: why am I a virgin, it must be Leo's doing

Gemineye: are y'all going to ignore the fact that cancer is caring about LiBRA

I heard Gemini giggle and I closed my phone pretending I did not see that. "Oh come on, I know you care about her," Gemini nudge me. I sigh and shake my head, "we should be thinking about the car that has been following us right now." Pisces look through the mirror at the back, "Cancer text Libra that I know where we can go that the paparazzi can't follow us," he says speeding past Scorpio's car. 


Hey, Pisces knows where to go, he said to follow his lead

oh okay thanks for letting me know, cance

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