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Cancer's Pov:

"We'll discuss it when we actually bought the house already because this shit expensive," I said searching the price of this mansion. "Did you actually forgot that we're not broke as bitches anymore," Pisces said to me. "I'm saving," I said back to him, Libra came back from beating Scorpio up, "he's still alive, Sag," she smile to Sagittarius. 

"And Cance, we are buying this one, we all are can join money to buy this or I could buy this mansion then you guys can pay rent to me," she suggest two option. "Making money on your own already, I see," Aqua smirk to her, she smirk back, "well, gotta do what I gotta do," then she look at me, "well, Cance." I smirk at her, "smart, almost got me if Aquarius didn't say anything," I turn to everyone to see me smirking. 

I stop smirking, "we can put our money together," I said turning away from everyone. "Good choice," she said, Leo came up to me, "listen buddy," he look me into my eyes, "I like a challenge," he said to me then walk away with a slight smirk. My mouth curve into a little smirk too, I huff then yell after Leo, "bet !"

"You're actually going to bet him on something," Taurus said to me, "he always find a away to win, you know, so I rather not bet with him if I were you," he added. "Oh don't worry, I'll be fine with this bet I'm making with him," I smile to myself watching Leo talking to Scorpio. "Guys, we should get going," Capricorn called, "yeah, let's go Cappy," Pisces said to Capricorn. 

"Cappy," Gemini blurted out her question, everyone turned to her, "umm, so Pisces already got a nickname for Capricorn huh," she turn it into a tease to Pisces. Pisces stared at Gemini like he was hurt for saying that to him, "actually, Libra gave me that nickname, and he just happens to heard it, so prob he use it too," Capricorn interject. "Oh right, it was back at home when I was trying to find Capricorn," Libra laugh awkwardly.

Gemini and Pisces was still staring at each other like something is going on, "I'm going," I said tired of this nonsense. Then Pisces followed me behind, "two girls are fighting for you, while I have to fight for a girl," I said softly to him. He smirk at me, "because I'm hot," he jokes. "You started to sound like Leo," I laugh at him, "never compare me to him," he said in a serious tone. 

I laugh it out, "whatever," we have walked for a few minutes until we got to Libra's uncle's company's car. Before we got in the car, "want to have diner together or no," Libra called out, "yeah sure, why not," Aries start saying first. A few people nodded and others just agree to it. "Okay, let's get back home and tell my uncle which mansion we choose, so we can discuss where to it," she says and get in the car with Leo.

Leo eyes stare at mine, I smirk at him, which cause him to smirk back. (Gay panic) I get in the car but the whole ride was silent because the situation with Pisces, Gemini and Capricorn. Aries and Virgo tried to talk here and there but the conversation always end shortly. We arrived back to the building where Libra's uncle was at and got off the car, we all went inside the building to see Libra's uncle waiting with the guy that host the convention ?!

Why is he everywhere, Libra looked concern, "uncle," she call her uncle. He turn to her, "oh, Libra, Mr. Jackson came to see me knowing that you guys wanting to buy a mansion from me and he offer to pay," her uncle said happily, "so which one did you guys choose," he asks her. She turn to the guy which his name is Mr. Jackson, "wow, you are very generous, Mr. Jackson, but we 12 manage, so you don't have to worry about it," she smile.

"Oh don't worry, that's the least that I could do for you guys," he said smiling back. "Uncle, a word please," she said bitter sweet to her uncle, he uncle followed her to us, "if you don't reject his offer, I will call my parents, Aqua and Sag's parent to stop cooperate with your company," she said threatening her uncle but with a smile. Her uncle sigh, "you really are your parents, Libra, you know I think-" he was cut off by Libra, "I don't want to hear your lecture right now."

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