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ALI FOUND ME first. The smile on her face was so big and I couldn't help but smile as big with her. She grabbed my arm, "(Y/N), Daniel and I made up! You were right, he needed time and I think he might just ask me out soon!"

I hugged Ali, "That's great news! I'm so excited for you." When we broke apart again I asked where Daniel was. I needed to tell him I was thankful he came to the dance for Ali.

"In the boys bathroom I think, some guy dressed as a chicken was throwing real eggs at people and Daniel got one tossed on his head. He went to wash it off."

"Oh barf, I would have hated for that to be me," I said and gagged. "Poor Daniel."

"I know," Ali chuckled and placed a hand on her head. She bit her lower lip, "I didn't think he'd actually talk to me again."

"People surprise you every day. We never know what's bound to happen. Besides, he would have been an airhead if he didn't talk to you ever again."

Ali smirked at me, "He would have been, wouldn't he?"

"Yes, but thankfully he's not so-"

Suddenly Daniel burst from the boy's bathroom, his feet skidding over the floor as he seemed to be running for dear life. He flew past a bewildered Ali and I, his costume billowing out behind him in a flare of red cloth and white polka-dots.

"It's comin' around!" He shouted at us as he fled the gym, handing off a piece of his costume to Ali in a rush. It happened to be the hooked metal arm of a shower head.

"What's coming around?" I asked aloud even though it was more of a comment to myself in this sudden confusion.

That confusion turned to clarity as I saw Johnny burst from the bathroom too. He was all wet, and sliding out on the floor as he tried desperately to catch up with Daniel who I realized now was in flight mode.

Ali didn't think twice as she used the shower head to trip him. Johnny saw it at the last second and tried to avoid the metal arm by jumping it but his foot slipped and he hit the shower head. It sent him flying into the air, only to land harshly on the floor in a heap which was then followed by the rest of his buddies who had been right on his tail.

Johnny was furious, the anger on his face so apparent even under the veil of makeup he wore. "Get up!" He yelled to the guys who were grunting after their tumble.

They finally scrambled back to their feet and followed Daniel's wake which led out the back exit of the gym. Ali watched with satisfaction on her face from her accomplishment but I couldn't help wonder what had caused such a raucous in the first place. It had seemed, at least for the time being that Daniel and Johnny hadn't gotten into it with each other for some time. Obviously whatever parlay there was had been finally broken tonight.

In a fit of worry now for Daniel I went cruising after them, leaving my heels behind in the gym as I ran to catch up.

When I got out of the gym, a scene had been made, three cars had hit each other and another was swerving out of the way as Johnny and the boys chased Daniel down the road.

I raced after them, trying to catch up. I knew that however this whole thing had started, it wasn't going to end well. I had to get there. I had to stop this.

Ahead, Daniel vaulted a metal fence, the guys a few strides behind him still. I pumped my legs faster, fear for my friend flashing through my chest.

I leaped then fence after them. I was starting to run out of breath though and by the looks of it, so was Daniel. He was almost to his apartment building, reaching up to climb the last fence when Johnny caught up.

The Girl Who Was a Cobra Kai (Johnny Lawrence X Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now