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"(Y/N)!" I HEARD someone calling my name as I left the Dojo. I knew exactly who it was and I didn't turn around to even let him know I was listening. I was heading across the street to the Orient Express for my shift. I had no time to talk to anyone, nor did I want to.

I had crossed the street and was heading to the door of the restaurant when a hand grabbed my arm, I turned around expecting to see Johnny there and was ready to smack him for handling me in such a way when I saw that it wasn't the blonde boy but rather Bobby. His face was soft as he regarded me and he immediately let go of my arm. He probably saw my look of fury and retreated his boldness.

"(Y/N)," He said, his hand going to the back of his neck. "I'm really sorry about last night. Things went way too far."

"You think?" I scoffed but ultimately I wasn't as mad at Bobby as I was at the rest of them. "That was a really shitty thing to do."

"I know, and Johnny is really sorry too. He's not been himself lately and when Daniel doused him with the hose at the dance, it just set him off."

I didn't let the shock show that I didn't know about Daniel doing that but it was still wrong what they did. I glanced over Bobby's shoulder and spotted the rest of the gang at their bikes, Johnny was casually sitting on his but he was looking in our direction.

"I appreciate your apology Bobby but if Johnny thinks he can use you to apologize for his wrongs, he is very mistaken."

Bobby looked uncomfortable and like he wanted to say more but I never gave him the chance and instead turned to go inside the restaurant.

It turned out, I actually enjoyed working as a hostess. The Orient Express seemed to have the best customers and I liked seeing all different sorts of people come in. I also liked it when young kids came up to the station for the green mints we gave out as people left. Personally, I wasn't one for eating them but I enjoyed seeing the children like it, popping them into their mouths and watching their faces turn up with a smile.

The job made my life seem more bearable. It made me forget what happened over the previous summer and also prevented me from returning to my father's house and hiding in my room. Although I did that no matter what anyway when I was there.

Lucille came up beside me after my shift and smiled, "You're doing great, (Y/N). Keep up the good work."

I returned her grin with one of my own, pleased that she thought I was doing well. "I will Mrs. LaRusso. Thank you."

As she turned to go, I stopped her. I opened my mouth, wanting to ask how Daniel was faring but I also didn't know how much she knew about what had happened at the dance. So instead I settled on asking her to tell Daniel hello from me.

Monday morning came quick and I was at my locker, grabbing my things when Suzi and Barbara came up beside me, "Hey! You never came back to the dance! We were worried and you haven't been returning our calls either!"

I sighed, "I-"

"Oh my God, (Y/N)... Your head."

"I'm fine, it's just a bruise."

"It most certainly is not!" Susan exclaimed and looked closer to examine my head. "What happened?"

"Nothing, I... I fell."

Suzi and Barbara looked at me incredulously and then something over my shoulder caught their attention. I turned my head to look as well and saw Johnny at the head of his gang, loitering about in the courtyard. They were all looking my way.

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