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I woke up to seeing my newly free, and already injured demon hedgehog. Who was still asleep, his back facing me. His also newly long, and fluffy quills were almost in my face.

Yesterday was a huge day for him. Finally gotten out of the supposed computer he was sent to be trapped in. Having his whole appearance, and body change to a more older, mature look.

But also, running through a forest for hours, encountering a rather angry mother bear, and sustaining large, deep gash wounds all the way down his chest, and the right side of his face.

And somehow, having enough energy to run all the way to me, saving me from getting hit by a car I didn't see. That's when almost all his energy was gone.

But I know one thing for sure, he was going to be sleeping for a good long time. And while he is out, I best getting working on what he loves to steal from me.

My bacon, and pancakes. Specifically the bacon. Hence why I call him my, well... Was the midget bacon stealer, now I suppose it would be... The towering bacon stealer.

Imma have to work on what to call him...

Getting up, and out of bed as quitly as possible, letting the sleeing demon sleep. And walking into my kitchen, to fix our favorite breakfast meal. Getting all the equipment, and foods needed to make it.

I was expecting Exe to soon get his butt out here, or teleport out here once I was in the middle of cooking all this.

I was also going to be expecting a few... Visitors soon as well. It would be no surprise that the would know he would come back here, and they would most likely come here to take him away again.

I wasn't going to let that happen again though. I wont let others take the one I came to love away, despite all his twisted attempts, and death he has cuased.

I know most, or everyone would say he deserves it, but they can't really see that, and understand he has changed.

I'll make sure to slam it into their tiny mind though. Make them understand he means no harm anymore.

The only harm he could do now was just heavily insult someone, or accidentally scratch them. Those claws he has are not to be messed with.

But he can easily hurt someone, or... Protect someone.

Either way, I'll do my absolute best to prove, and show those hero's that he has changed.

Anyways, back to cooking! Everything was almkst done, and ready to eat, or for Exe, to devour.

And I pretty sure he could take larger bites, and rip meat with extreme ease now with his new sharper, and longer fangs.

"Well now, that a heavenly smell I haven't had the pleasure of smelling in two years." The said devilish hedgehog said, leaning on the fridge with a smirk.

"I'm sure you missed it didn't you?" I asked with a slight smile on my face, just now making two plates.

"Oh, I missed more than just your food. That should be obvious." He said walking over to me, thankfully he could walk mkstly normally despite his injuries.

"I could name a whole list of what I missed when I was locked in that Chaos damned computer... But I will spare your ears and cut to the chase. You are the one thing I missed most, top of the list. No if, ands nor buts about it." He said, pulling me in a rather tight, yet warm hug. Right when I finished making the plates.

"I missed you too Exe, so much..." I said, returning the hug back, resting my head as lightly on his chest.

"But, that's enough hugging for now, I've been starved for years!!" He suddenly said, taking one of the place, and making his way to the couch. Leaving me to stand there with rather wide eyes.

(OLD & CRINGY) To Love A Demon Like Him (Sonic.Exe X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now