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Over the horizon he oversees the landscape of his world. He caught a glimpses of a Van, White van to be exact, players running around and people having fun.

He like this kind of stuff.

He like the peace it was once had.

Not until they ask for theit nation's independence. 

He didn't like that

He didn't like being separated from a union that he himself created before them.

So he said no, and a war erupted how chaos started.

They say that his a dictator, a tyrant

They call him names

They are against his rule


He ask as he look beside him, a floating figure almost transparent, whose looking at him in concern.

Did I do something wrong halu?

He asked again, but the figure shook their head before wrapping their arms around him, silently whispering comforting words as he began to calm down.

"Things change, that's how the mortal server world works Daydream"  the being replied, soft white cream tears began to fall from their eyes as it also began to disappear upon reaching their cheeks. 


Months turned into years as he began to find companions, he told them all about him only leaving his status and origins.

They are mortals.

Greedy mortals who assume things to be their own.

They think that they own everything because they are the first one's to create it.

They assume wrong things but when confronted with the truths they blame someone who needed to be accused of.

Now his in here, all alone.





Mother figure?


Perhaps Nightmare was right.

No matter how he tried to make peace, create peace, protect his world, HIS server, HIS creation from Aather to End.

They would always find him as a villain.


He is a beautiful Orphic.

And he shall forever be one.

Daydream, the plan has started do not worry.

We'll break you out of there. All of us.

Orphic; DiscontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now