Earth's Strongest Robot [Part 2]

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An entire day has almost passed when Y/n fought Pluto and got repaired. She was told to go back home and rest.

The sun is already setting and Y/n glance at her window from her bed. Closing the book, Y/n got up and went downstairs.

Y/n sees Nora making dinner. Astro was still at the Ministry of Science with O'shay.

She looks around and notices another robot missing.

"Nora have you seen Zoran?" She asked from the living room.

"Hmm....she's in the woods with her friends. She's been having a hard time going outside because of the crowd of newscasters and paparazzi outside. So, I helped her a bit."

Y/n looks down in thought, "I see."

She walks towards the door and before exiting, calls out to Nora, "the sun is setting so I'll go and bring her back."

Closing the door, she was immediately swarmed with questions. Not caring about them, she flies up, leaving a large dust cloud in the crowd.

Y/n knows where Zoran is since it's one of the 'hang-out' places she and the others go to. A field of flowers and in the middle, a pond.

Getting near the spot, Y/n notices and hears something. Zoran is talking to someone and the person she's talking to just so happened to be the opponent she fought to not too long ago.

Gasping, Y/n flies faster and lands harshly but safely in front of Zoran, dust covering them.

When the dust clears, Y/n is glaring at Pluto while he merely stares at her.

Y/n, "Pluto, I didn't think of you to fight those deemed weaker."

"I wasn't going to do anything. I merely asked if she could sing what she sang again." Pluto explains.

Zoran peeks from Y/n's shoulders and stuck her tongue out at him, "No way! You came to beat my brother!"

At this, Y/n's glare hardens, her lips pursing.

Pluto denies, "No. There's something I want to ask him."

Zoran's shouts got louder and angrier, "Go away! I don't like bad robots. I hate them!" At this, Zoran turns her back with a 'humph!', her arms crossing.

Y/n would've been in amusement if not for the situation they are in.

Then, Y/n notices something that confuses her.

Pluto looked at her with softens, at least, from his eyes.

Pluto turns and this causes her to be on guard more.

Pluto bent at the edge of the pond and looked like he was doing something.

He straightened and walked towards them again.

Pluto bends in front of them and shows what he was making.

Two flower crowns.

Y/n looks at the flowers then at Pluto weirdly but still defensive.

"Zoran was making this a while ago but it blew off when I landed." Pluto explains.

Y/n slowly reach to one and turn to Zoran. Y/n then places the crown at Zoran's head.

Zoran opens her eyes and looks at what was placed on her head.

She turns to Y/n confused, but Y/n gives a small smile at her confusion.

Y/n then flinched back when she felt something place on her head.

She turns back to Pluto and notices the other crown gone. She placed a hand on her head and felt the missing crown there.

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