Atlas [Part 1]

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Today is a very special day for Astro and Y/n. It is their first time to be on a school festival. Right now, Astro and Dr.O'Shay are gonna compete on a three-legged race. 

'Next up is, The Three Legged Race. Teams, take place in the starting line.'   The Announcer announced.

The participants on each team was on the starting line. With their parents or teachers. For Astro, he's gonna compete with Dr.O'Shay and that is why Dr.O'shay is trying the rope on there leg. 

Dr.O'Shay trying the rope and stood to give Astro some practice for their race. "Ready to practice? We need to move together. 1, 2, 1, 2, 1, 2. That's it." He said as they were both jogging in sync. Astro look at Dr.O'shay with a smile, "we make a good team!" he said.

"Dr.O'shay!" They both turn to person who called him and smile when they saw there team. "Hey, don't let Astro slow you down!" Kennedy joke "You lazy bum." Abercrombie joke as well.

"Blue team rules!" Alejo cheer "knock em dead." Y/n cheer...? She's still not sure on how to use the different kinds of cheering and how to use each one. "Knock em dead on what? It's just racing, Y/n." Kennedy said with a half smile on the oblivious robot. "I mostly hear this on the competition I saw a while back" Y/n explain.

Y/n was walking with a pile of clothes in hand from the living to her room. But she was stop when she saw the T.V was left on. "The Dr. must of forgot to turn this off." She mutter to herself putting her clothes on the sofa and reach her hand to the remote. "Go get them, Champ!" A cheer from the T.V stop her.

"Knock em dead, Harley!" A few people cheer to the robot player. "Is that suppose to be...'cheers'?" Y/n ask, cocking her head to the side.

"Well, that's not how you use that cheer." Kennedy said "I see." Y/n mumble. 

"Hey! A robot can't be in this race! That's cheating, he'll use his powers and stuff!" A boy from the green team complain "yeah!" His two goons agreed. "It's not cheating!"  "He can run like a regular person!" both Alejo and Kennedy defended.

"You're taking sides with a robot?!" The guy yell again "hey! Astro's our friends!" Kennedy yell "this race is for humans!" The guy yell. This causes Astro to sadden and for Dr. O'Shay to glare at them. Dr. O'Shay just talk to Astro to cheer him and it work. 

Y/n then step in, "if it is cheating the teachers would've known from the start and shouldn't have allow me and Astro to compete. You and your goons are just idiots who don't know a thing about us robots. So if you please..." Her face was emotionless, but her eyes tell a different story, "get lost."

Her words cause there spines to shiver in fear. "Come on, let's go." The leader said, and they all left. 

Kennedy, Alejo, and Abercrombie went to Y/n and gave her a hard pat on the back. "Way to go, Y/n!" Alejo cheer "Nice on shutting them up!" Kennedy. "It wasn't special. If they were robots I could've done more than words to them." Y/n said bluntly, her first raise and clench tightly, causing her friends to sweatdrop.

"On your mark...get set..." The robot on the starting fired it's gun, starting the race. The other team started but Astro and Dr.O'shay didn't move in sync causing them to almost trip but regain balance, but was now on the last spot. 

"Doctor! 1,2,1,2!" Astro reminded "I'm trying!" Dr.O'shay pant. "We're beating the robot!" The guy from a while ago cheer cockily.

"Astro, faster!" Dr.O'shay said "okay! Hang on!" Astro then started to run faster. Dr.O'shay had a hard time but was able to catch up. 

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