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"Y/n! Y/n!" Astro called from outside her room. You see today Astro, Y/n, and their friends are going to a place called 'Metro-Musement' to look after the 1st Graders of their school. Ms. Miyoki as there teacher to watch over them. 

They were suppose to meet up at the school at around 8:00. 30 minutes before the bus leaves at 8:30. But it was easier said than done when Astro found out that robots can oversleep and just want to laze around.  

Astro heard a slight shuffle on Y/n's bed meaning she was waking up or turning away from the door to mute out his voice at least a bit. "Y/n we promise to meet with the others at 8:00 at the school. It's already 8:15! Hurry and change!" Astro scolded.

"Don't wanna..." Y/n groaned out, her face planted firmly on the pillow. Astro sigh in annoyance. He was going nowhere with her. And so, he went downstairs to where Nora was; At the kitchen cleaning. 

"Hey, Nora, do we have a spare key to Y/n's room?" He ask. "Why yes indeed. Hang on." Nora said, opening a small compartment on her chest. Her hand going left and right probably to find the key.

"Ah! Here it is." Nora said, handing the key to Astro. Astro took the key and gave a nod, "thanks, Nora."

Astro went back upstairs to Y/n's door. He slip the key in and turned it. Hearing a satisfying CLICK! of the door unlocking, Astro entered the room. The first thing he saw was a huge bump on Y/n's bed. Meaning she was under the covers and curled up.

Astro sigh and went to the edge of her bed. He grab the cloth and forcefully pulled it off her. Y/n flinch at the sudden pull but sat up and look up at Astro with tired eyes. "I'm tired." She said monotonously but tiredly.

Astro gave another sigh but smile at her, "you're just low on energy. Come on. Let's go charge you up" Astro said, turning to walk off. Astro heard Y/n stood up as well, but was also not expecting a loud THUD! 

As fast as lightning Astro turn and saw Y/n face planted on the floor. Astro quickly knelt down to help her  up. "Wow, you're really low on battery." 

Astro hook her arm behind his neck and held her by the waist to easily balance her. Astro walk down the stairs with ease. The charger (???) emerge from the ground for them to use once again. He unhook her arm and help her stand up straight. Once she was able to balance herself Astro went to the charger and grab the cord.

Y/n lift her shirt up and opened the panel on her chest. Astro, still turn away from her, gave her the cord. Y/n grab the cord and hook it up on her Kokoro.

After a few minutes of charging Y/n was finally full. Y/n hook the cord back to the charger as it descends back to the ground.

"Hurry and change. We still got at least 10 minutes before they leave." Astro said. Y/n nodded and went back to her to change. Once she was done changing they quickly left the house, bidding Nora a 'Good-bye.' 

"Are you still having a hard time flying?" Astro ask. Astro is carrying her once again as he quickly flew to where their school is. "Yes." Y/n said simply. "You know, you need to know how to fly, right? What if something happen to me and you need to be the one flying?" Astro said. "I know. I'm really trying." She said. "I know. Sorry, i'm not trying to pressure you or anything." Astro said, sincerely. Y/n stayed silent. She just lay her head on his back and gave a soft hum as a way of saying 'it's okay.'

Outside the school, standing besides the bus. His foot tapping impatiently. Alejo waited for his two robot friends that was indeed late. Finally after a few minutes of foot tapping and watch checking every second the two finally arrive. 

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