Valentine's Special

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 To those who read Y/n and Friends book and saw the updates on some of her chapters, know that she also added new scenes in the chapter with our crossover. So, I'm gonna add some as well.

"Hey, are you gonna give any of the boys chocolate this year?"

"I wonder if he'll accept this?" "Don't worry he will!"

Girls chatter around the classroom. Gushing on who they have a crush on or if they'll confess, or give chocolates to any of the boys.

It's February 14 and all the girls are hype about Valentine's day.

Well, not all, per-se...

Y/n sits in the classroom reading a book. Minding her own business. Not caring, or better yet, doesn't know what's happening.

"Hey, Y/n!" She turned her head to her friend, Luculia, smiling widely as can be.

"Yes?" Y/n asked, tilting her head.

"Are you gonna give anyone some chocolates?" She asks excitedly.

"why?" Y/n ask.

This made Luculia give a nervous smile, "b-because it's Valentine's day..." She explained with a sweatdrop. Y/n gives her a confused gaze.

"Well, Valentine's day is a day where a girl gives the person they like something special. Or anyone, a special person for that matter." She explains.

"Why?" Y/n ask again. This does not compute her knowledge.

Luculia gives a thoughtful look, scratching her cheek, "well...there's no particular reason. Some don't celebrate Valentine's as well. But, it's just a way for that certain person to know they are special to you." She explains.

Y/n's gaze filled with wonder, and she looks down at her book, "I see..." She mutters before looking back up to Luculia, "so, Valentine's day is a day to give someone important to you....a gift to know they are special...?" Y/n said with an uncertain tone.

Luculia nodded, excitedly, "yes!" She leans closer to Y/n, "so, are you gonna give Astro anything?"

Y/n almost looks shocked at that question, "y-yes. How did you know ?" She asks, almost agitated.

Luculia giggles, "I know how you always protect him no matter what circumstances." She said,

"Yes. Because we both have a mission to fulfill. It is mostly his dream to have that dream come true. He is determined," Her gaze hardens a little, "and I'm here to help him no matter what."

"You almost sound like you're his bodyguard," Luculia sweat drops with a nervous laugh.

"I am his friend," Y/n said clueless-ly. Luculia just sighed at her friend's antics of clueless-ness.

"Well, do you know what to give him?" She asks Y/n.

Y/n thinks for a moment before shaking her head, "I do not have any specific gifts to give him that'll show my appreciation."

"I'll help you!" Luculia said excitedly, "I'll give you a list then you can choose one!" She takes out a pen and paper and quickly starts listing down choices.

"Okay, class, settle down. We will begin our lesson." Their teacher, Ms. Miyoki said. Everyone sat in their seats and the day began.

After class. Astro, Y/n, and the gang all walked home. Luculia is sometimes brought home by Nora or her dad, and this is one of those days.

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