Jackson (and somewhat mark)

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Y/n: you fucking bastard!

Jackson: babe we were drunk

Y/n: so fucking what!? You don't see me getting drunk and sleeping with the rest of got7!

Jackson: because you wouldn't.

Y/n: you're right because I know how to control myself

Jackson: don't act so innocent y/n I see the way you talk to bam bam, jinyoung, and especially mark!

Y/n: I was friends with them before I met you, you asshole!

Jackson: I'm sorry I slept with your band members slash best friend,  but why aren't you yelling at her?!

Y/n: because I'm not talking with hyeri right now, I shouldn't be talking to you but we live together

Jackson: look I'm sorry, this won't happen again

Y/n: no we're done, you couldn't control your fucking hormones for a few hours, I trusted that you could control yourself but no you couldn't, you know just leave!

Jackson:... bab-

Y/n: now Jackson!

Jackson: I'll come by to get my stuff later

With that Jackson left the house, you texted mark and bam bam and jinyoung in the group chat you guys have together


You:  guys please come over

Bamx2: why what happened??

Markles: you good dawg?

You: no, I broke up with Jackson

Bamx2: why? What happened?

You: he cheated on me with hyeri

Markles: your member?

You: yes.. but we're not on speaking terms and JYP said the group is taking a break

Markles: we'll be over there soon, don't worry

Jinyoung: yeah we will bring snacks too!

Y/n: thank you guys, saranghae <3

Bamx2: we love you too bae

Thirty minutes later~~~

Y/n: hey guys

Bam bam: my love you look like shit

Y/n: yeah I know, thanks for noticing

Jinyoung: Jackson was not happy with us coming here

Y/n: who fucking cares at this point!

Mark just pulls you into a hug

Mark: it's okay, you don't need him.

Bam bam: he's still our member though

Mark: who cares she was our friend before he was our member

Y/n: let's get wasted
I said while grabbing the soju

Jinyoung: hell yeah, we even got the snacks and food

Time skip~~~

Bam bam: let's play truth or dare

Y/n: yeah!
we were tipsy not drunk

Bam bam: I'll go first, mark truth or dare?

Mark: dare

Bam bam: I dare you to take three shots

Mark: damn.... done!

Mark: jinyoung truth or dare?

Jinyoung: dare

Mark: I dare you to kiss bam bam

Jinyoung: of course you would say that shit...
There I did it

Bam bam: sheeesh not me blushing

Y/n: bam bam you're secretly gay

Jinyoung: anyways y/n truth or dare

Y/n: mmmh truth

Jinyoung: is it true you used to like one of us before Jackson and if so which one of us?

Y/n: fuck you jinyoung, I told you that in secret

Bam bam: I'm interested now, who was it??

Y/n: umm it was..m-mark

Mark: me?

Y/n: yes but I knew you wouldn't like me back so I move on from you and I forgot my feelings for you with time

Mark: y/n.. but if you were to tell me then I'm sure I would've dated you.

Jinyoung: bam bam and I are going outside really quick so he can uh take my pictures

Mark: soo...

Y/n: yeah so?

Mark: would you like to try to go out with me

Y/n: can we take it slow first?

Mark: absolutely!

Y/n: thank you markles

Mark: I know we just agreed to take it slow but can I kiss you right now?

Y/n:.. y-yeah

Mark leaned in as did I, we slowly felt each other's breathe near both of our lips, until we finally had our lips together molding perfectly together until we heard someone clear their throat but it wasn't bam bam or jinyoung... it was Jackson

Jackson: I see you moved on quickly, I just came here to get my charger

Y/n:  well you moved on during our relationship so I can see you also moved on.

I could see mark trying to hold back a laugh

Mark: y/n: I'm going to get some water

Y/n: um okay, I'll go with bam bam and jinyoung outside

Jackson: y/n look I'm sorry about everything

Y/n: it's fine Jackson, grab your stuff and leave please and thank you.

Jackson: well it was nice while we lasted.

Mark: uh do you wanna go get some ice cream or milk tea with bam bam and jinyoung?

Y/n: yeah come on

The end.

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