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Haechan: baby
Y/n: yes baby
Haechan: baby
Y/n: yes..?
Y/n: hold on
Haechan: baby...

I go into the living room and see haechan on the couch on his phone
Y/n: haechan did you need me?
Haechan: yes come here sit down
Y/n: okay what is it
Haechan: I want you to play with my hair
I giggled at his cuteness
Y/n: baby is that all?
Haechan: and I want you to kiss me
Y/n: so cute
Haechan: I know
Y/n: okay lay down on my lap
Haechan: no I want to lay down on your chest they're more comfortable
Y/n: *giggles* okay come here
Haechan: give me a kiss
Y/n: no
Haechan: please
Y/n: yes, I was kidding anyways
I leaned down to peck his lips
Haechan: *whines* I wasn't done
Y/n: okay come here
Haechan: never mind play with my hair
Y/n:Okay lay down and put a movie on
Haechan: okay I will put on sweet revenge but it's a show
Y/n: I've heard of it, is it good?
Haechan: the show? Yeah it's good
Y/n: okay put it on

Sometime later
I realized haechan fell asleep while hugging my waist. I was going to get up so I could get a snack, but he pulled me back.
Haechan: what are you doing?
Y/n: I'm going to get a snack, do you want something?
Haechan: I'll just take fruit snacks and Lemonade
Y/n: okay I'll be right back...(big right baby😂)
Haechan: baby
Haechan called from the living room
Y/n: I'm coming.... yes
Haechan: Chenle and Johnny and mark and Lucas are coming over to play video games
Y/n: okay that's fine
I say while handing him his snacks. The boys came over and they were pretty loud but I didn't mind it. I was sitting next to haechan being bored so I tried to get his attention by laying my head in his lap, he leaned down to kiss my forehead and then I felt satisfied and just laid on his lap while I watch him play the game
Chenle: y/n can I have food
Y/n:yeah go get it
Lucas mark and Johnny: yeah me too
Y/n: yeah go get it
Lucas: I'll pause the game

Y/n: baby
Haechan: yeah baby
Y/n: baby
Haechan: yes baby
Y/n: I love you
Haechan: I love you too
Y/n: kiss me
Haechan leaned down to kiss me and then the boys walked in
Johnny: lucas cover chenles eyes
Haechan: oh my gosh be quiet next time
Johnny: sorry
Y/n: it's okay I'm going upstairs anyways to take a shower

-"-"-After the boys left-"-"-
Haechan came up here and took his shower and got ready for bed
Haechan: good night I love you
He said while kissing my forehead and wrappings his arms around me
Y/n: I love you to and good night baby

So hi this chapter is basically for haechankihyun  so bye!

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