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I wanted my boyfriend, Jackson's attention, but he was to busy doing whatever he's doing on his laptop. I walked over to him and tried to give him affection but that didn't work-

Jackson: y/n I don't have time for you right now why can't you just accept that and wait until I'm done

I pouted knowing he wasn't in the mood for this right now. But there's one thing he's always in the mood for. I think to myself smirking. I've been seeing this trend on TikTok where you drop your towel in front of your boyfriend, I'm trying that after I shower

Y/n: babe if you need me I'll be in the shower!

Jackson: alright

20 minutes later ~~

I dried my hair a little bit, and put on lotion, and my nightly routine shaving brushing hair, etc... I walked out seeing Jackson still on his laptop, I scoffed mentally. I walked in front of him, he didn't pay any attention

Y/n: Jackson~
I pouted and he quickly looked up at me and then back down

Jackson: y/n I don't have time for this. You see I'm in a video call with bam bam,mark, and youngjae!

Y/n: Jackson... baby, please be quiet and look up at me

He did as he was told, his eyes met mine, and I slowly removed the towel to tease him a bit. I dropped the towel and his eyes widen and his face and ears turned red but that quickly changed into a smirk and he had lustful eyes.
Jackson: guys I have to go, talk later!
Mark: she better not get pregnant
Bam bam: I'm gonna be an uncle!
Youngjae: Use a condom!

And with that he shut his laptop. He pulled me onto his lap and I straddled him naked. He started planting kisses on me and he kissed me from my ear, to my jawline, and to my chin, and when he finally met my lips he got hungrier.  He groaned into the kiss as he was getting more turned on.

Jackson: you're so sexy
I didn't reply but I smiled into the kiss, soon enough he was shirtless and we some how ended up into the bedroom, and let's just say some things happened...

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