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Namjoon: why don't they like me?
Y/n: my family, I don't know
Namjoon: why can't they accept me like you did?
Y/n: I guess they don't see what I see in you
Namjoon: well should we join them downstairs?
Y/n: only if you're fine with it
Namjoon: I'm fine with

We leave my room and go down to the dining area just to see my family eating without us
Y/n: why didn't you guys calls us down?
Y/m: oh I guess we forgot, well sit down
Y/n: um okay
Y/s: so namjoon what are your intentions with my sister
Namjoon: to mak-
Y/n: why do you want to know it not like you actually care, you're just striking up conversation
Y/s: you're right I don't actually care
Y/n: what...the...hell... is wrong with you guys what do you have against namjoon
Y/m: nothing... except the fact that he's Asian
Y/n: oh... you racist bitch why does his race matter
Namjoon: *whispers* it's okay
Y/n: no it's not, baby you shouldn't have to sit here and listen to them being racist towards you
Y/m: then why are you still here
Y/n: were not
And with that I grabbed namjoons hand and we left but before we walked out I pulled the table cloth and made their food spill

...At home...
Namjoon: what's wrong with being Asian?
Y/n: nothing at all but there is something wrong with my family
Namjoon: I just feel hurt that they don't like Asian,
Y/n: I was hurt to baby it's not right for them to act like that towards you they have no right to do that and they hurt my baby's feelings and it makes me want to-
I was cut off when I heard sniffles from namjoon I looked up to see him crying
Y/n:... baby.. come here
I opened my arms out wide... soon enough I started crying because I hate seeing namjoon cry it's like stepping on a LEGO that you love or something or like your favorite tv show getting cancelled
Namjoon: I hate racist people it just makes me cry sometimes
Y/n: baby do you want ice cream and snacks to make you feel better
Namjoon: no I want your cuddles
Y/n: those come with the price of kisses
Namjoon chuckles and peppered my face in kisses. And just like that he was asleep on my chest while I played with his hair and watching Netflix...


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