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Yeonjun: but soobin, she likes the things we do in the dark or when we're alone

Soobin: like what?

Yeonjun: well she sneaks out to meet me at the park, she's like addicted to the feeling of letting go

Soobin: letting go?

Yeonjun: yeah letting go, but she also doesn't like it when people know that I'm the only one that gets to take her home

Soobin: I see

Yeonjun: but every time I tell her that I want more, she closes the door

Soobin: but she's not afraid of all the attention, or running wild, how come she's so afraid of falling in love?

Yeonjun: I don't know but she's not afraid of scary movies, she also like how we kiss in the dark
I say while smirking

Yeonjun; but she's so afraid of falling in love

Soobin: maybe she's trying to test you, trying to see how hard you're gonna work, and maybe tell her how much she's worth

Yeonjun: or maybe all her friends have told her "don't get close or he'll just break your heart" but either way she sees me and it's just so hard. Because every time I tell her how I feel, she says "it's not real"

Soobin: she's not afraid of a lot of things, but why is she so afraid of falling in love?

Yeonjun: I don't know, but we've said some things to each other, we talk on the phone really late, I don't want her to get away from me

Soobin: didn't you tell her you couldn't do this anymore?

Yeonjun: and then she was back at my door

Soobin: go talk to her hyung


Yeonjun: so as you know I like you.

Y/n: yes junie I know, but what is this about?

Yeonjun: why are you so afraid of falling in love?

Y/n: because I've been heart broken before and I don't want that again

Yeonjun: but doesn't it show that I won't do that to you?

Y/n: yes but still, nothing lasts forever

Yeonjun: so be my nothing

Y/n: I thought we were being serious?

Yeonjun: who said I wasn't serious?

Y/n: if I go out with you promise you won't break my heart

Yeonjun: as long as you promise the same thing

Y/n: pinky promise?

He pinky promised, but the way we do is a little different. We link pinkies and turn or hands to each other (if that makes sense) and we kiss each other's hand.

Y/n: we're dating now but if I see you do something stupid we're over

6 months later
Y/n pov
Yeonjun and I have been doing great, we've did a lot of things together but we don't do public skin ship, it's weird for us because we've been a secret to everyone except soobin for like 3 months.

Yeonjun: y/n
He called out

Y/n: yes?

Yeonjun: I love you

Y/n: I love you too junie

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