Jay park

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So I've been watching videos where girls call there boyfriends 'bro' so I wanted to try it on jay to see his reaction I hope it doesn't end bad though.
Jay: babe come here please
Y/n: coming
I yell as I ran down the stairs
Y/n: yes?
Jay: come here
He says as he pats his lap, that's my cue to go and sit there.
Jay: kiss me.
Y/n: not right now bro
Jay: why n- wait wait wait, what did you just call me?
Y/n: bro..? Why'd you ask
Jay: don't call me bro I don't like it.. like at all
Y/n: whatever bro
Jay: babe I'm serious
Y/n: okay I'm going to go the room if you need anything just yell or whatever I don't care bro
Jay: nah nah nah sit your ass back down
Y/n: or what?
Jay: baby please
He asked with pleading eyes and he knows I can't resist when he's all sweet
Y/n: okay baby
Jay: so you're not calling me bro anymore?
Y/n: no, it was an trend I seen on tiktok. I wouldn't call you 'bro'
Jay: I love you
Y/n: I love you too
Jay: so you want to have sex?
Y/n: yeah... No
Jay: please?
Y/n: no
Jay: can we kiss?
Y/n: no.
Jay: please..
Y/n: not right now, later okay?
Jay: okay, but you make me so horny
He whispered while kissing my neck
Y/n: j-jay don't do that
Jay: why not?
He says as he continues to do so
Y/n: stop right now
Jay: kiss me
Y/n: no
I got up and ran to our room and locked it before he could come in
Y/n: ha!
Jay: you'll open it eventually
Y/n: no I won't, but I am hungry could you bring me food
Jay: you're so cute
Y/n: baby.. could you bring me food please?
I say slowly opening the door
Jay: yes
He was about to walk off, but I grabbed his wrist and kissed him, than I pulled away
Jay: I love you
Y/n: I love you too
Jay: now let's go get food he says while hitting my butt
Y/n: baby I don't like when you do that.
I frowned
Jay: but you're so freaking attractive
Y/n: thank my parents
Jay: I will
Y/n: jay
I say as I pull him into a hug and started to kiss his neck
Jay: baby don't do that
Y/n: hmm why not
I say knowing what I was doing
Jay: because you can hide your uh.. problem, I can't
Y/n: that's not my problem
Jay: b-baby... you know what
Next thing I know he was picking me up and placing me on the bed... you could see where that went, if not use your imagination


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