Remember that?

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Merlins POV

I don't know where I am.

I can see nothing but darkness, but that's ok. I don't want to see  again.

I can't distinguish the noises around me, but that's ok. I don't want to hear what they have to say.

The pain.

It stabs me in sudden, excruciating jabs, causing my body to convulse uncontrollably.

Dreams and memories are all blurring into one. Unknown sights and feelings unable to articulate out loud.

Arthur starts ripping my clothes off. I can't lose it this way! I can't!

Arthur, hugging me for the first time, when he thought I was dead.

The man. The man who caused me this pain,digging his filthy fingers into my already infected wounds.

Arthur, smiling.

Arthur, worried about me.

Arthur, kissing me for the first time.

The man. He's inside me again! I can feel it, I can...

Kilgarrah, telling me of my destiny.

Will, when I was young.

My mother...


The knights.

All these people... they all cared.
They care.

"Merlin? Remember when..." Arthur's voice comes and fades. I can't distinguish what he's saying, but I hold on to the sound.

Brittle. Broken. But as obstinate and as stubborn as ever.

"You are NOT dying, Merlin."

"Please... you're like a son to me," Gaius this time. Gods... Gaius... How do I tell him I'm sorry?

"Don't die, Merlin. Who else can get me out of trouble down at the tavern?" Definitely Gwaine.

"I love you, Merlin."

3rd person POF

The scene before them was indeed a sorry one; there was not a face that was not lined with misery, exhaustion, desperation and despair.

Nobody could look Arthur in the eyes anymore.

They all knew they were fighting a losing battle. But Arthur would not accept that.

Arthur's eyes, normally the colour of a calm ocean, was a sight no-one could bare. It was a swirling whirlpool of grey and blue and tears were constantly there, always threatening to overspill. But like all storms, it has a reason for happening. And the storm in Arthur's was like no other seen before in such a brave kings eyes; It was  a plea for help.

Then came the fateful day.

It had been a normal routine.

Reappling bandages and herbs, crying, trying to get Merlin to wake up, Gaius investigating what could be wrong with Merlins brain, crying, more bandages, trying to get Merlin to wake up, and more crying.

And Merlin's heart stopped.

Hee hee hee
Eliza xxx

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