Exciting Sleepover

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On the day you and all of your friends have no missions, you all decided to have yet another sleepover. This time you vowed to make it way more fun than the last. The plan was to meet infront of Denki's house at 7pm.

The day flew by in a flash and before you knew it it was already 6.45pm. You just finished packing your clothes and left your house. On the way you're met by Boruto, Shikadai, Mitsuki, Inojin and Iwabe

"Hey Kazuma" Shikadai greeted you
"Oh hey guys. You ready for the sleepover?" You asked
"I'm excited for the games we'll play" Mitsuki added
"I can't wait for the food" Inojin replied
Your group arrives at the gate to already see the girls waiting.

"You guys are late" Sarada complained
"What do you mean late? It's 6.59!" Boruto replied
"If anything, you guys got here too early" Iwabe added
"Ever heard of fashionably early?" Chocho replied
"Guys please stop. We're here to have fun" Sumire added
"I agree with class rep" You replied.
After your conversation, the gates infront of you begin to open and you see Denki standing in the middle of the opening.

"Hey guys" Denki waved.
For some reason, your face flushed more red than ever before. Maybe it was his smile, maybe his voice but at that very moment your heart was beating incredibly fast. Noticing your change in appearance, Mitsuki puts his face close to yours and looks at you

"Kazuma your face is awfully red. Are you alright?" He asked
"Yeah i-i'm f-fine" You replied rubbing your face.
Denki giggled and you walked into his home.

"For privacy purposes, the girls will be sleeping in the room next door to the boys. So please leave your stuff in your rooms and then we'll go eat dinner" Denki closed his eyes and smiled
Your heart thumped audibly at the sight of his smile.
"Ahhh why is he so damn adorable"  You thought to yourself
"Kazuma?" A voice said behind you
"AHH!" You screamed and turned around," Oh Denki it's just you."
"Is everything alright? You seem a little off" Denki asked
"Yeah I'm fine. Don't worry about me hehe" you giggled
Denki in turn giggled with you.

After you settled in you headed towards the dining table.

"Woahh Denki! This is more food than last time!" Chocho said
"Jesus. It'll be a pain if we don't finish this food." Shikadai added
"We'll eat as much as you guys want. " Denki replied

So you all sat down and ate to your heart's content. Afterwards your group headed to the boys room to play some games. You all sat in a circle with Denki sitting across from you.

"Sooo... Does anyone have any ideas for a game?" Boruto asked. You and your group thought for a few mins before Chocho chimed in.

"What about we name a category and we each take a turn to do what the category is, for example, if I say makeup, then the winner will be the fastest one to put on makeup successfully." Chocho said
"Ohh that's not a bad idea. Nice one Chubs" Inojin said. Chocho pouted at him
"Doesn't seem like anyone has any objections so since Chocho came up with the idea, she can be the first to name a category" Boruto said.

"The category is food. The challenge is to eat the most food in 1 minute" ChoCho said
"Heyy that's no fair" Inojin said
"You picked a category you knew you'd win" Boruto and Iwabe complained
"You snooze you lose" Sarada said, giving ChoCho a high five
"Sarada you know you can't win this either" Shikadai said
"I don't mind. Top 3 is good enough" she replied

After gathering your food, ChoCho begins the countdown.
Your entire group began gulping down food. Thirty seconds in you, Sumire, Iwabe,Inojin, Shikadai and Boruto have collapsed, holding your stomachs

"Too much food..." Boruto groaned
"Times up" Sarada noted.
All of you look at their plates and announce the winner
"3rd place, Sarada. 2nd place, Mitsuki and obviously in first is ChoCho" Sumire announced
"I'm surprised Mitsuki lasted that long" Shikadai added.
You all continued the game doing challenges like one handed handstands, which Mitsuki won, reflexes which Sarada won, chakra control which Boruto won, speed which you won, weapon use which Iwabe won, jutsu strength which Shikadai won...

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