Chunin Exams Part 1

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Several weeks and missions after you were assigned to Team 5, the most anticipated event for the Village's genin approached.The Chunin exams begin tomorrow

"I'm so nervous" Denki said as you walked together towards the training ground. Upon hearing this an idea hops into your mind. You place a kiss on his cheek and smile at him, making him blush.
"K-Kazuma! Someone could have seen us." Denki whispered
"Did you not want me to kiss you?" You asked
"Wha- That's not what i..." Denki stuttered
You giggle and pat his head
"You're adorable when your embarrassed. Don't worry about the Exams I'll be with you." You say
"Well, Well, Well..." A voice said

The both of you turn around to see Boruto standing on the bridge. Denki's face turned red and he looked away while you asked,"Did you, by any chance, see all of that?" You asked
"I saw everything and might I add... You two are adorable together." Boruto said
Both of you blushed a deep red colour and looked away from each other.

"How long has it been going on?"Boruto asked
"About a month and a half." Denki replied shyly
"Am I the first one to find out?" Boruto continued
"Yeah. We're not sure when to tell everyone else" You add
"Don't worry. Your secret is safe with me." Boruto said

The three of you walk to the training ground when Boruto speaks up,

"Could I see you two kiss?"

The two of you jump at the sudden reveal of the question and your faces turn beet red
"Well I'm sure you have done it before, haven't you." Boruto continued
"Um well yeah we have a couple of times but never for anyone else." Denki replied.
"Come on just show me"
"But-Hmm?" Denki was interrupted when you pressed your lips against his. Boruto squealed in the back as he saw you two share a moment with each other. The two of you part from your kiss moments after, Denki's face starstruck and as red as a tomato.

"I'd never pass up the opportunity to kiss Denki. He's too cute." You say
"What do you like about him anyway? He's nerdy and a rich kid. No offence Denki" Boruto asked
"Well he may be those things but he's adorable and has a sweet personality" You replied
Denki's eyes widened and he looked away, blushing as you continued to walk.

(Time Skip to the first round)

".... You have 1 hour to reach the point in the woods..." The instructor spoke until you noticed something

"Denki, Iwabe. The clock in his hand is ticking. He's already started the countdown. Let's go" You say as you break away from the group. Further along the way you encounter several training dummies

"Iwabe let's do this!" You yell
"Right! Earth Style: Stone Bullets!" Iwabe yells as he places his hands on the ground and small sharp stone pop out of the ground
"Wind Style: Jet Stream." You yell as you thrust your palm towards the rocks, sending them flying towards the dummies, destroying them.
"The goal is just up ahead. Let's go." You say as you sprint towards the finish noticing the several teams that made it there before you.

"We did pretty well but I have a bad feeling about the next task so be careful guys."Denki noted
Just as Denki spoke, you heard a loud voice," To everyone who made it the next task will be... A true or false question and your question is.... In the makeout series,chapter 6 the following phrase appears: There is only one person I desire. True or False? The students who turn black will fail the exam

"That's a trick question." Denki said
"What do you mean?" Iwabe asked
"There was never a Chapter 6 for the Makeout Series. Let's pick False but stay alert." Denki added

Your team walks over to the False area when the instructor speaks,"It is time to reveal the answer. The answer is neither..." As soon as you hear this, the ground below you gives way and you begin falling.
"Wind Style: Air Lash!" You yell as you grab hold of Iwabe and Denki using your jutsu and stand on the wall.
"Thanks for the warning, Denki!" You say as you see examinees fall into a pool of ink at the bottom of the pit.

"So that's what he meant" Iwabe said.
"Everyone that didn't fall into the ink has passed the first part of the exam. This was to test your critical thinking." The instructor announced," That ends the first part of the Chunin Exams."

(Time Skip)

You're walking home with your teammates talking about the Exams

"Iwabe you were awesome" Denki said
"You too Denki but the one we should really thank is Kazuma, without him we definitely would have failed" Iwabe replied

"Let's ace this exam guys" You say as you hold out your closed fist and get ready for the next part of the exam.

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