Chunin Exams Part 2

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You're walking alongside Denki on the way to the the second part of the Exam. Along the way, something comes into your mind.

"Hey Denki?"
"I've been meaning to tell you something." You say
"Oh? What is it?"

Before you could say anything, you are met by Iwabe, Shikadai,Inojin,Boruto,ChoCho, Sarada and Mitsuki

"Hey Sarada and ChoCho." You say
"Hey we're here too Kazuma" Boruto complained
"Well yeah but I see you guys all the time. I barely see them so I'm just greeting them." You add
"Ooo what a gentleman. It seems like we have another contender looking for my affection." ChoCho said
"No offence ChoCho but Kazuma is t-" Boruto stops talking when he sees the glare you shoot him.
"Hey Kazuma. You excited for the second round?" Sarada asked
"I'm a bit nervous. I'm sure we all are." You replied
"Agreed" The group answered in unison as you continued to the exam hall.

(Time Skip)

"....The next event is a Three Vs Three. You are going to go head to head in a capture the flag battle. The first to capture the opposite teams flag will advance. Use any means necessary without killing your opponent."

"Well we're going third guys." Denki said
"We should have a strategy." Iwabe suggested
"I was thinking that you and Denki should head to the enemy's flag while I protect ours." You said
"Good thinking Kazuma. Iwabe can help cover me while I analyse the situation."Denki replied
"Well I guess now we wait" Iwabe noted as the three of you take a seat awaiting your turn.

(Time Skip)

Before the announcer says go, you quickly whisper in Denki's ear,"Stay Safe."


Iwabe and Denki set off in a flash. You then begin to weave signs and say: "Wind Style: Wind Barrier." An invisible wall of air forms around your flag. You proceed to make more signs. "Water Style:Raging Torrent." You cover the entire area with water and lie in wait for your prey.

While you were waiting, you check in on your other teammates through your comms.

"Iwabe how's it going over there?"
You receive no response
"Iwabe? Denki? What's happening?" Still no response
You stand on guard and begin weaving signs when you see three enemies dash towards your flag.
"Lighting Style: Jolt Wave Jutsu" You yell as you send electric currents through the water seemingly stunning all three enemies. Until you feel a sharp tug on your leg and you fall through the building you were standing atop. You continue falling until you collide with the solid ground and lose consciousness.

You wake up in a hospital room. You open your eyes slowly and see everyone around your bed waiting for you to wake up.

"What happened?" You asked
"Kazuma you're awake!" Denki exclaimed
"You fell through 10 storeys and hit concrete but somehow sustained 0 injuries." Sarada explained
"Oh I guess I forgot to mention that I heal fast because of my father" you added
"Your father?" Everyone asked
"I grew up hearing stories about my father, Yaguma The Healer. He apparently had faster regenerative capabilities than others. Apparently I inherited his genes."
"I see" Sarada said
"How did you guys do?" You asked
"Our team and Boruto's team made it" Shikadai said
"Well win the next round for all of us"
You say lifting up your closed fist, allowing everyone to fist bump you.

(Time Skip)

You were dispatched from the hospital and on the way home with Denki, who was awfully quiet

"Denki is something wrong?" You ask
"I was useless. You got injured for nothing and I couldn't do a thing." Denki said lowly

You wrap your arms around Denki and pull him close to you.

"Denki you did just great. You held your ground. I couldn't be happier for you." You say
"Thanks Kazuma."
"Well this is your stop Denki." You say as you pass by his house
As you are walking away you hear Denki call out to you. You turn around and see Denki jump at you and place his lips on yours. It surprised you but you fell into the kiss. A moment later you separate, both of you faces beet red.

"What was that for?" You asked
"Well it has been a while since we last kissed and I did owe you for everything you've done." Denki replied.
"I'll see you tomorrow Denki"
You say as you wave goodbye to Denki and walk away, hiding the blush forming on your face.

A Fresh Beginning जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें