Team 5

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You wake up earlier than everyone else and look around. Memories of what happened last night came floor into your head. You turn and see Denki still asleep next to you.

"He's so cute." You think to yourself.
Soon Boruto wakes up,"Hey Kazuma how was it last night?" He asked
"What do you mean Boruto?"
"You know, You and Denki on the roof."
"Well I heard movement on the roof and noticed that the only people missing from their beds were you and Denki. So what happened?"
"We just talked. He was feeling insecure about something but he's fine now."
"Aww so nothing fun happened up there?"
"I'm afraid not, Sorry Boruto"

You proceed to make breakfast as everyone else wakes up. As you bring the food to them, you notice Denki without his glasses on. You couldn't help but blush at the sight of his big adorable eyes.

"Kazuma, this is delicious" Inojin said
"I agree" Mitsuki said
"So are you guys excited for today?" You asked
"Yeah I'm curious to know what team I'll be in." Iwabe said
"I'm probably going to be with Inojin and ChoCho." Shikadai said.
"I guess we'll have to wait and see." Mitsuki said

(Time Skip)

You're in the Academy waiting for Shino-Sensei. You turn to Denki," I'm really nervous."
"Me too. I don't know which team I'll be on." Denki replied
"I kinda want to be on the same team as you Denki." You said quietly so that only Denki could hear you. Denki then blushed a deep red colour and replied,"Yeah me too Kazuma."

Shino-Sensei walks into the class with several other instructors and spoke up,"Everyone line up in the front of the classroom."
Everyone hurried into the front of the class
"Today we'll be assigning you to your three man teams so we'll get right into it. Iwabe Yuino, Denki Kaminarimon and Kazuma Mikoto, you will make up Team 5 with Udon-Sensei. Please follow him "

The three of you follow your Sensei out of the door. You and Denki look at each other with wide smiles on your faces.

(Time Skip)

It's the end of the day and you and your friends are walking out of school.

"Hey let's go to Thunder Burger." Boruto suggested
"Boruto we go there all the time." Shikadai complained.
"So what?" Boruto said as he ran to Thunder Burger.

As you follow behind him, you look around and see more girls giggling and pointing at you

"What's that about?" You ask
"Well apparently word got out that you have a crush on someone and all the girls are wondering which one of them it is." Shikadai said

Upon hearing this, you and Denki turn red.

" Oh that?"
"To be honest, I'm also curious as to who you have a crush on Kazuma" Mitsuki noted
You and Denki continue to grow more red.

You finally arrive at Thunder Burger and take a seat next to Denki. The other's begin to play their video games while they wait for their food.
You place you hand on Denki's leg underneath the table and he turns a bright shade of red.

You whisper into his ear," I really enjoyed our kiss last night."
Denki's face turns a dark shade of pink
"Hey Denki you alright?"Inojin asked
"Wha? Yeah I'm ok" He replies

You smile at him and continue to spend the rest of the day with your friends.

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