Hidden Feelings

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Today is one of the only days that you and all of your friends don't have missions. So as usual, you're hanging out with your friends at Thunder Burger. You and Mitsuki are in deep conversation. Boruto, Inojin and Shikadai are busy playing games. Sarada and ChoCho are gossiping about stuff and Denki is talking to Iwabe.

"Denki could you help me with my analysis skills"Iwabe asked
"Yeah sure. What time?" Denki asked.
"I guess now is the best time" Iwabe said.
"Ok. Hey guys I'm going to help Iwabe with an issue. I'll be back soon." Denki said. Before leaving, he placed a kiss on your cheek and waved goodbye.
As you watched them leave, a weird feeling began to grow in your chest but you shrugged it off. Several hours passed and Denki hadn't returned. You decided to go meet with him.
You hop along the rooftops of building until you finally reach Iwabe's house and peek through the window. Your eyes widen and fill with tears at what you see. Iwabe was ontop of a struggling Denki. Several seconds later, Iwabe placed his lips on Denki's lips.
"Iwabe! Get off me! I'm in love with Kazuma. Stop!" Denki struggles. The two continued to struggle.

"D-Denki?" You asked with tears in your eyes. The two of them separate.
"Kazuma...I " Denki stuttered. You hop away from the two of them, wiping away the tears in your eyes. Denki immediately follows you.
"Kazuma wait!" Denki yells
You stop moving and turn towards Denki with your eyes closed.

"Denki. Why?" You asked
"Kazuma I swear he forced me to do that." Denki explained
"And you let him?" You asked.
You reopened your eyes.
"Your eyes! Your Byakugan is back" Denki exclaimed
"On what grounds must I believe you?" You asked.
"You saw me trying to push him away right? You heard what I said? I'm in love with you. No one else" Denki explained.
You swung your arms towards him,"How can you prove that after what just happened?" You asked
"I can show y- agh" Denki exclaimed.
He was suddenly hit by something hard and thrown off the building.
"Denki!" You dive after him and catch him just before he hits the ground. Blood leaking from his chest, you quickly rush over to his house.

Denki wakes up in his bed with his friends around him.

"Where's Kazuma?" Denki asked
"We thought you knew. Someone called us here and we rushed right away." Sarada said
Denki looks at the bandages around his chest.
"Kazuma must've done this" Denki said quietly
"We found this beside your bed" Shikadai said.
"It's from Kazuma" Mitsuki added.
Denki takes the letter and starts reading it," Hey Denki. I've never been good at this kinda stuff. When you read this I might already be gone but I'm writing this to say that I'm sorry for causing that scar on your chest. I transferred some of my blood to you so you should heal relatively quick. I also want to apologize for not paying enough attention. If you wake up, I might still be on the roof of your tower. I love you. From Kazuma"

"He's on the roof!" Denki said, jumping out of his bed.
" Denki your wound hasn't healed." ChoCho said
"It doesn't matter" Denki said as he rushed to the roof, with his friends following behind him.

They burst onto the roof to see you standing on the edge. You slowly turn around.
"You're okay" you sighed
"Kazuma please don't. We all cherish you." Shikadai said
"You have so much to live for." Boruto added
"This is goodbye." You said as you begin to fall backwards over the edge of the building.
"Kazuma No!!" Denki yelled as everyone ran after you
"Wind Style: Breakthrough" you yell as you blow everyone but Denki away.
You begin to freefall off the building. You open your eyes and see Denki collide with you.
"Denki?" You asked
"Kazuma this is my proof. I love you so much that I will die with you." Denki said
"I have to do something" you thought to yourself.

"Denki, hold on tight!" You said while closing your eyes.
"Byakugan!" You yelled as your eyes open. " I have to time this perfectly or we'll both die." You said as you approached the ground at high speeds.
"8 Trigrams Palm Rotation" You yelled as you began to spin, creating a blue ball of chakra around you and Denki.
The ball of chakra collides with the ground and continues to dig into the ground as your rotation slows down.
After you finish rotation, you and Denki fall to the ground.

"Dennis what are you thinking?" You asked
"Kazuma, please hear me out." Dennis pleaded
"Go on" You replied
"Kazuma, what happened with Iwabe was a mistake. I don't have feelings for him. To tell you the truth I've also been feeling a bit jealous but that's a different story. I'm sure you already know, I love you so mu-hmm?" Dennis was interrupted when you placed your lips on his, with tears in your eyes.
"I love you too,Denki" You sobbed

Your friends rush to the two of you on the ground floor.
"Thank God, your both okay." Sarada sighed.
"Don't make us worry like that!" Inojin exclaimed
"Thank you for worrying." You say as you turn to Iwabe,"Iwabe there's no need to apologize, I forgive you."
Iwabe's eyes open wide and tears form on his eyes.
"Thank you,Kazuma" He sobs
"Don't worry about it. Now I know just how much Denki loves me."You say, smiling
"Let's all go home then. Kazuma and I have a mission coming up soon." Mitsuki added
"Umm...guys?" You say as your friends begin to walk away.
"Yeah?" Boruto replied
"Please do me a favour and don't let anyone know about this" You laughed along with your group as you retire for the day.

A Fresh Beginning Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora