Breaking Boundaries

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It's been 3 days since you last trained and today was the first day you that you would practice the 64 palms technique. You mastered how to willingly awaken your Byakugan. They only other person keeping up with your progress was Denki, you had asked Hinata to keep this training secret.

You meet Lady Hinata in the forest.

"Hello Kazuma. Are you ready to begin 64 palms training?"She Asked
"Yes I am" you replied
"Please activate your Byakugan" She asked
You close your eyes and begin feeling the veins around them emerge you reopen your eyes with the Byakugan now activated.
"Great. So you have mastered gentle fist technique. So in order to create the 64 palms you must use the Gentle Fist." Hinata explained
"How so?" you asked
"The Gentle Fist is a technique that blocks of the flow of chakra. As you know there are 64 main chakra points with other secondary chakra points surrounding them. Using Gentle Fist requires precision with the fingertips but the 64 palms requires fast attacks with both the fingers and palms" Hinata explained
"I see" you replied
"For example, take a look at my Chakra points. How many do you see?" She asked
" I count 86" you replied
"Now how many are bigger than the others?" She asked again
"64" you replied.
"Exactly, those are the Chakra points you strike during the 64 palms technique. So let's begin."

For several weeks, you trained for hours on end. Miss Hinata would sometimes bring Himawari along, but nevertheless you trained hard. Alongside learning the 64 palms, you also learned palm rotation.

One day, all of your genin friends were summoned to the Hokage's office.

"Due to the Chunin Exams being cancelled, we are going to have all of you perform in a head to head battle to assess your strength." Naruto said
"Aww sweet. Another chance to show my real talent." Boruto said
"Myself, Shikamaru and all of your other instructors will be watching. This will be held tomorrow. Go rest up now and prepare for tomorrow" Naruto said.

You and your friends made your way home. As you walked alongside Denki he turned to you," I'm afraid about tomorrow. I don't have taijutsu skills and my ninjutsu isn't developed yet."
"I'm sure that it's not only strength they're assessing." You said
"What do you mean?"Denki asked
"Well a ninja also needs to be capable of making plans on the spot. You're good at that. Just focus on your strength and you'll do great " You said as you dropped Denki off and went home to rest.

You wake up the next day to the sound of a knock at the door. You open it and see Hinata standing at the door.

"Miss Hinata?" You asked
"Morning Kazuma. I was having a little talk with father and we both decided that you should have this, since you inherited his jutsu" She said as she handed a white garment to you
"Thank you Miss Hinata" you reply
"I'll be coming to watch Boruto perform but I also want to see how much you've grown so do your best." She said before walking away.
You walk up to your mirror and unfold the garment revealing this

You put it on to find out it's a perfect fit. You gathered your items and headed towards the battle grounds.

Once everyone had arrived the announcer spoke up," We will be having one one one battles. We did not match you against your teammates in the first round but if you advance you may have to face them. You win by either immobilizing your opponent or knocking them out. So onto the first round, Kazuma Mikoto vs Sumire Kake"

You continue having matches and winning them until the semi finals.

You are up against Iwabe Yuino, your teammate. Several minutes into the match it's a staredown until an idea pops into your head.
"Wind Style: Breakthrough" you yelled as you blewbwind at him
"Earth Style: Mud Wall" Iwabe yells and a giant wall of rock covers him

You make Shadow Clones and continue to overwhelm him with jutsu but this time Water Style. You cover your real self in Lighting Chakra and zip to the ceiling.
Then you instruct your Shadow Clones on the ground to send electricity through the water on the ground.
Realising what was about to happen Iwabe jumped over the electric current, giving you the perfect opening. On the ceiling, two of your Shadow Clones propelled you towards Iwabe at a high speed using Wind Style while the real you weaved signs
Iwabe then looked up to see you zoom towards him and place your hands on his chest.
"Lightning Style: Lightning Palm!" You yelled as you crashed into the ground, making dust fly everywhere. When the dust cleared Iwabe was knocked out clean on the ground and you advanced to the next round.

Your opponent is Mitsuki, probably the strongest genin of your group. As you walk into the Arena you look toward the stands and see Lord Seventh, Hinata and Lord Hiashi seated next to each other.
"I haven't used my Byakugan yet." You thought." Considering my opponent I might have to."

"3...2...1... Begin!" The announcer yelled
You and Mitsuki simultaneously weaved signs and both yelled,"Wind Style : Breakthrough!" Both of your Wind Style's collided with each other and dissipated.
The two of you weave more signs and yell at the same time,"Lightning Style: Snake Lightning!" The same thing happened. The two jutsu collided and dissipated.

Up in the stands, your classmates start talking to each other

"They're so evenly matched" Shikadai said
"Like it was a perfect fight" Sarada added

In your mind you thought,"Ninjutsu isn't going to work."
Mitsuki seemed to be thinking the same thing as you saw him dash towards you with his kunai. You prepared your self to fight and blocked his attack. Before blocking his attack you had weaved signs for a Wind Style Jutsu. Suddenly Mitsuki's hand had burst out of the ground and grazed your cheek at the same time you shot your jutsu at him, causing you both to back off from each other.
As the two of you stand back up you see steam rising from Mitsuki's wound just like it did for your's.

"I have to let him hit me" you thought as you weaved signs while Mitsuki dashed back at you and landed a punch on your stomach but you release your jutsu making him fly across the battlefield. You stumble from the pain of the punch and proceed to think to yourself,"I have to use it now, otherwise I'll lose"
You close your eyes and put two fingers infront of your face. You reopen your eyes and yell,"Byakugan!" as you activate your kekkei genkai.
The stands erupt in shock.
Naruto turns towards Hinata and Lord Hiashi and see's them smiling.
Your classmates mumble to each other,"The Byakugan?" Inojin said
"I thought only the Hyuga had that"Sarada said
"They are the only one's" Boruto added as your classmates began to watch the match more intensely

With your awakened Byakugan you sense Mitsuki's clones fire Lightning at you simultaneously.
"8 Trigrams Palm Rotation" you yell as you spin around, creating a dome around you that deflected Mitsuki's jutsu.

Aware of what's coming, you hop out of the way which Mitsuki bursts out of the way, completely missing his target.
"It's time to finish this!" You say as you take stance for the finishing move.

You begin hitting Mitsuki's main chakra points with your fingertips and your palms while yelling,"2 palms...4 palms...8 palms...16 palms....32 palms.... 8 Trigrams 64 Palms!" You yell as you thrust the final blow to Mitsuki's chest sending him flying while immobilizing him.
"The winner is Kazuma Mikoto!" The crowd cheered as you deactivated your Byakugan. You look around and see your classmates run towards you.

"Kazuma that was so awesome!" Boruto yelled
"Yeah. You never told us you had the Byakugan!" Iwabe said
"To be honest, I never knew until a few weeks ago. Denki was the first one to see it" You explained
Denki giggled.
" That was a good fight Kazuma"
You turned around to see The Seventh Hokage behind you.
I would like to speak with you and Mitsuki in my office.
You nod your head and follow Naruto alongside Mitsuki towards his office.
"That was amazing power Kazuma" Mitsuki said
"You too Mitsuki" you said as you followed Naruto wondering what was going to happen next.

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