five. [headaches and doodles]

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Rhea wasn't sure what she was expecting to see when they walked back into camp. She was expecting a little chaos, sure, but not to the point where someone had a knife to another person's throat. And if someone told her that the person holding the knife was Wells, she would've laughed in their face. As much as Rhea liked to call Wells 'Jaha 2.0' or 'Mini Jaha', she knew deep down that he would never hurt so much as a fly, they were friends once upon a time, not as close as her and Clarke once were, but they got on. That was until his father floated hers, which seems to be a common theme with Wells considering it has happen to both of his friends.

"Wells!" Clarke yelled once she seen the situation that had arisen in camp, "let him go!" The dark-skinned boy hesitated slightly before he shoved Murphy to the ground, who quickly got up and attempted to lunge at Wells but was held back by Bellamy as he tried to defuse the situation... even though he was the one that started it, but the returning delinquents didn't know that fact.

Rhea slowly walked Octavia down the slope into camp, an arm wrapped around her waist as the brunette held on for support. As soon as Bellamy seen this, he was straight over to them, his face displaying nothing but the worry he had for his sister.

"Octavia! Are you alright?" he asked concerned as he took the girl from Rhea's arm, the blonde happy to get the chance to sit as she rested on a log nearby. Jaxson approached with just as much worry on his face as there was on Bellamy's, seeing the gash that was displayed on Rhea's head.

"Oh my god, Rhea" he said softly, cupping the girl's cheeks in his warm hands, "your head... what happened?"

"I'm fine Jax, it's just a scratch" she replied with as much reassurance as she could, but she knew he wasn't buying it. Her head was pounding a lot and she kept having these dizzy spells on the way back, which she managed to convince the others was just from lack of sleep, though, she wasn't all that sure they believed her either. And, on top of that, she had the real urge to throw up. She definitely wasn't fine.

"Where's the food?" Bellamy demanded as he looked round the group who had returned with their hands empty.

"We didn't make it to Mount Weather" Finn sighed as he took a seat near Rhea and Jaxson.

"What the hell happened out there?" he asked before he turned to glare at Rhea as he began to walk over to her, "and you! You were supposed to look after Octavia and look what happened! I told you what would happen!"

"Back off, Blake" Jaxson snarled as he stepped up to stop Bellamy approaching the girl, who didn't look like she could manage the confrontation right now.

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