eleven. [storm]

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The storm had started not long after they managed to get Finn safely into the dropship. A strong wind blew around the dropship, creating a high pitched whistle as it filtered through the small slits in the door. Torrential rain hammered against the outer walls of the dropship and a small leak could be faintly heard as it dripped in the far corner of the room. Rhea sat next to Raven at the small table on the bottom floor of the dropship, listening as the brunette repeated the phrase over and over again into the microphone of the radio, her voice desperately pleading for someone to hear her on the floating space station.

"This is Raven Reyes calling Ark Station. Come in, Ark Station" she begged. Her voice was beginning to rasp due to the amount she had been speaking in the past hour. They weren't even sure if the radio was fixed yet or not, but their hope couldn't disappear, and Raven wasn't the type to give up easily, especially when Finn's life was on the line. "Can anyone hear me?"

"You sure you got the right frequency?" One of the delinquents spoke up from the group that had formed near the table the two girls were working at.

"Yeah, I'm sure" Raven snapped, her head whipping around fiercely to give the outspoken girl a harsh stare.

"Okay" Rhea breathed out as she reached over to take the headset from Raven, whose hand went up so quick to stop her that it made Rhea flinch slightly at the sudden movement. "Relax Reyes" she spoke softly, raising her hands up defensively at the aggressive actions of the brunette. "I was just gonna switch with you. You need a break, go take five, I'll keep trying."

Raven looked unsure, but after mulling it over quickly she gave the blonde a reluctant nod before slowly removing the headset and handing it over to her. Rhea smiled softly at the mechanic as she placed the small device over her head, beginning to repeat the same sentence into the microphone that hung near her mouth. Raven looked over to where Clarke was changing the bandages that surrounded Finn's wound, the mechanic's face turning into one of worry as she looked at the unchanging state of the boy on the table.

"Calling Ark Station" Rhea spoke clearly, "can anyone hear me? Come in."

"This is a restricted channel. Who is this? Please identify yourself."

A static voice filtered through the speaker of the radio, all heads on the lower level of the dropship turning at the sudden sound. Raven quickly ripped the headset from Rhea's head, not even giving the blonde a chance to respond as she spoke into the microphone. "This is Raven Reyes. I'm from Mecha Station. I- I'm transmitting from the ground. The hundred are alive. Please, you need to get Dr. Abby Griffin. Dr. Abby Griffin. Now."

Not long after, the voice of Abby Griffin began to filter through the communication device, and Clarke's eyes lit up slightly upon hearing her mother once more. "Mom, I need your help. One of our people was stabbed by a grounder" the blonde spoke, trying not to let herself get distracted from Finn as she cut straight to the point of helping him.

"Clarke, this is the chancellor" Jaha's voice was the next to be heard and Rhea had to fight the urge to scowl upon hearing it. "Are you saying there are survivors on the ground?"

"Yes. The Earth is survivable. We're not alone" Clarke answered briefly as she received nothing but radio silence in response. "Mom, he's dying" the blonde pleaded, her eyes flicking over to where Finn's motionless body lay still on the table, "the knife's still in his chest."

"Okay, can you patch me through to medical?" Abby was heard asking Sinclair through the communication device, while the teenagers anxiously waited for instructions on how to help Finn.

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