six. [Earth kills]

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The wails from Jasper woke Rhea from the nap she was taking in the makeshift tent her and Jaxson shared. It took a moment for her to fully wake up and come to realisation with what was happening, but as soon as she did, she was up like a shot, pulling her jacket and boots on while she stumbled out of the tent and dashed to the dropship.

Rhea got through the dropship door just in time to see Octavia's boots disappear from view at the top of the ladder, and she wasted no time in following after. She was halfway up the the ladder when she heard Octavia yelling something about killing him, which only made Rhea climb even faster. When she finally got her head through the small gaping hole at the top, her eyes landed upon Wells, Finn and Monty holding Jasper down while Clarke held a scolding hot knife to the gash on his chest.

"Wha- wait, what the fuck are you doing Clarke?" Rhea asked as she lifted her legs up from the ladder and rushed over to the group, crouching down beside them all.

"She's trying to save his life" Finn deadpanned, sending both Octavia and Rhea looks, as if they were stupid for questioning Clarke's decision, even though, from where they were standing, it didn't look like it was helping him much.

"She can't" Bellamy called out, appearing at the top of the ladder, Wells being quick to stand up to him as he glared at him with his jaw clenched.

"Back off" he growled.

"We didn't drag him through miles of woods just to let him die" Clarke told him, though Rhea could sense the slightest bit of doubt coming from Clarke, and it was clear that she was worried he wouldn't make it.

"Kid's a goner" Bellamy said, raising his eyebrows at Clarke, "if you can't see that, you're deluded. He's making people crazy."

"Sorry if Jasper's an inconvenience to you. But this isn't the Ark. Down here, every life matters."

"Take a look at him, he's a lost cause."

Everyone fell silent at Bellamy's last words, almost as if they were coming to the realisation that perhaps, there may not be a chance for Jasper. He had a very slim chance of survival, they had no medical equipment, no real medical knowledge (well, apart from the things Clarke knew, but that was still limited), and no help. It seems Clarke was one of the only ones who had real hope when she eventually broke the silence, looking at Octavia and Rhea.

"Octavia, Rhea, I've spent my whole life watching my mother heal people. If I say there's hope, there's hope" the blonde tried reassuring the girls, but Rhea had a feeling her words were more directed at Monty. He was Jasper's best friend, after all.

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